Category: mybooks


    Releasesratiosof heady bledwhat fernsand fanspurpuric spanswhere bornobscenethe shipis clean.And raymonde chandlures fictive and tugthrough holesin handsgod speedsof love. Views: 0

  • Folding Hands 🥃

    Jars and cans folding hands, bolters and falterers, sift for subsoils grew a pan.Sentiments break into factions, fractionsblake in the grasssnake take make – proactivemaster and margarita ville wasting away log in spacefalling, falling treesin rage, appease. It doesn’t matter what I say?mount plush more grows wildly grave in waves of terror gad about plummetsto…

  • Titillation of The Absurd

    Dismissing what pines for beauty, as pigs squealing hang glider dying to fly ends up sends up flirting with the murderously liquifying out in loan zone of crest and calumny and contempt. After terror hypnotized me, transforms the lust into crashes and dashes head laying on sink spinning, courage courage. White outs flailing rescaling your…

  • Box to Outfox ✅

    Box to outfox? hardening knocks with a color of velvet white purple black or red. For mischiefs and logic of vampires whose bite at the neck stung and bled. Arose and fled with flying water dragons that melted to a pox my liberal heterodox paddling and stuffed, miracle and sleet. A kingdom for a shore…

  • Graft

    Plunder bunnying after The Idea is a reflectivity old as sea along with its wretched desolation/delivery Tribulation piracy.  And I know now Stinky was a robbery that devoured – that Em is a flesh eating flower, and that it gave birth to my beautiful treachery – I know thats the cruces. That madness is (in…

  • Plays for keeps 🥃

    My ardors paddlewith streamers.A crush of horrorssilver and dark.Slows down, slows downfor every sound.Plays in the wind,titters and sparks.Bunts wild and dredge from any edgefeeds the birdsand carries the dead.Climbing up inside my head,crushes my flowers into poison and perfume or drops on the houseand gooses my broom.Wakes up Maryand her petting sheepairing contrarylagging knee…

  • Map Lantern and Crow 🧤

    Privy unctions secrete the sorrows release mutant flies multiplies into the double, into the negative negative. Nihilism enlists the sublime pocus hauntus purgatorial and divine the tender and existential flagrante intertwined. The body of your ghost is devils sun fine thine mine. Fleshing out tin languishes with my sin there is a difference between rain…

  • Em Braces a Vacuum 🧤

    Spindrift and hopes copes e lopes merry query leery and ferry Gusts and busts time churns into tenses that madness finds in the senses. Blurt with flirt with air your pair show you care Card your fences mine your penses heads, you win tails, my cosmic sin? Feather and fringe binge, hinge and wallowing, twinge…

  • No You Didnt

    If you didnt do it You wouldnt do it Slippery and gest I confess Its emptiness Is fuel is food Is love and death Emptiness constitutes: open Visuospatially open Open as the sky To fly Eye my spy A Schelling high Deny is a sky port Captain blood Slue me, sly Truculent and rough-dry Me…

  • Blimey

    Bly me, blow me Get to know me Alice In the palace Running amuck For a buck ? Stray the sky Hammmer where sigh Flutter and buckle Goad and dray Hose a rose I suppose, Death at its whisper Everyday gets crisper Fawn be gone Weary bleary Butter and brawn Spew, fall through And bear…

  • Skipped to A Loo

    Rhetoric is meaning too ? for Moi a wing tip that tuts and flips Rhetoric overtakes meaning, condemns to brickwork ? Branches & sublimates beguiles & liquifies, inflate weight hate emulate Love for same, stormy for Moi the hunt and punt taunt and haunt Dear e quip page drip drip drip give me lip, out…

  • Do It Your Way

    Flirt for flow foment and forego Hike a stake in wake of spline I am not the only one calls it a crime Kicks for sticks row row row Gently up the wag and crow Risk a mythify, fabulate and grow Dodge and blow Easy come, and easy go? Forever, plus a day have it…

  • young cal just starting/Body H8

    A young ferocious Cal with painted cheeks. at full run round around the basement, a rod in hand that swears on mark forever more to die in battle. Death his only partner – a grave but brutal friend. With naked eye a warrior defies in search of love and loss and lies bound to beauty,…

  • Slides That Ride Asunder for Righteous or Riotous Plunder ✅

    The wonder I wonderblowing me down go under go under circle drafty pines pilgrimage for beautyhoot and prayflutters cutsand puttering punterHeart and shameaims aflamenil et desperandumraft and polevisions of plotter Otter –Stand upstand upbloom and glowwith Kafkaas travel agentheaps and creeps of lemming and the dire mire,taken over hover ploverin a bed of dreadby a…

  • Kick Over Chair

    Rotten profess the kind who are kind in practice enuff for to impart as randy dandy candy, what arrives with crusty sweetness, as to my roll around in the visiting tongue. With delight, at the mangy sharp practice, but it wont do me any good? Yes it does yes it did. Heaven forbid. Heaven is…

  • Feu de Joie

    Sometimes love gets cast as a recurring revenge play – When over its limit, there suddenly overlaps — – An arrival of its dead souls, awakens a “death” trap. – An explosion of hatred so pure and sudden that it lights up the sky – No need to forget nor ever forgive nor let it…

  • Not to Deny It

    2nd Draft Apologize — caught up in a collapse of anger — A need to destroy comes after me in the dark — Burning off an ardent soul reckless indignant vindictive and cold — A storm rides off into the deadly — with hopeless disquiet To drown the thing with feeble finality no I don’t…

  • C’est La Fucking Vie

    First Draft Sometimes appeals best to share in care of my own destruction Take a little time to line the coffin’s repeat design with laughter, chuck it in with laughter. Views: 12

  • Easy to Win ?

    Easy to Win ?

    Easy to win and the love to die I don’t know why.  Dark white fights. Doubt resonated mine.  Paid early in pit. Now efforts noted modern enters into action.  Let us not be betrayed or clamorous. Vigorous in the designations inventions injustice, is illuminated by embracing.  Unsuitable unsuitable. No suit fits. Bins only of the…

  • Ninjah Lavish Regency Era

    Ninjah Lavish Regency Era

    Ninja lavish regency-era row row mantic complex time dimensions children children. Not all people who wander are lost. Deep ends water, for miles.  Scars for Lars Hairy for Mary. Sixth seventh heavens to bitsy. Sorrow, addnt any. Everyone was curious about Mimsy and Blimp that appeared hovernight. Monkey sunkey the Jungle Road junk key strangeness…

  • A Perfusion of Urn ✅

    Raise the high finger wave, make waves let my pie flyconsecrate the sky.Where plusses rift deuces, battle mortal cruces,crave for truces.Buffer and squeeze the holy breezebeating the bounds.Arises, and flies troubled tangledundisguised, speaking ofpathways to love. But where beauty bringsuneasy things, contrarity is a constant companion something never immune from wandering off, in a cadence…

  • Sub Swoons sample/Novella

    Sub Swoons sample/Novella

    Sample WIP from Novella, am presently working on, called Subliterate Swoons and A Side of Dead. Dizzying With No Brakes LuLu LeSuere. Taunts epiphany with bids for transfiguration. To pull her out of the carkness of darkness. Gloom exhumes. Darkness shines, becomes visible. Hears itself tearing itself open and unlimiting.  Shadows pattering bang bang bang…

  • Heavenly Hybrids/Novella

    Paris Catacombs Standing online outside entry into Paris Catacombs. LuLu along with 25 others. LuLu, going forth to bandy up against habitus of the dead. To make a good ripe skulk of it. To relieve the obliquity of love, and its whirling jagged abyss. That the dead had a distance (from life and love) to…

  • Fall and All

    Dusty Hope Love is all And it’s nothing Wind falls And waterfalls And O nothing, Nothing. Logic cannot Overcome Its constellations Its contradictions. Its fevers Sins and lures. Rather let its lyres Bandy about Act out Hopes absurd. Ill contains Love’s violent wind As amasses, quags Bewilders and aspires. Rather twin and spin The mortal…

  • Edges and Holes

    Edges and Holes

    1. Saucepan on head. Not easily acquired. Mouth taking a bath. Their way or highway whatever that means tusk tusk allow for blinking lights antenna loud snaps. Joy counting heads floating in pool. Head or alive. Calculator has history for opening windows all on its own… External scars prove more bird than fish. Bed of…

  • St. Valentines J Unk Mail

    Thwart a port ? Solemnly snare. U till eyes u till eyes. Subbing the plot. Submerging the dirging reinventing the wheel uncorking strains playing in trains. Blake at the lake sharing excesses. Verecunds flambeau. Hello hello hello. Show up anyway. Glowing and rotten with it. Down we go. Ashes to ashes bim bin sin sterile…

  • Absence without Leave 🥃

    Do beget,  unmoderately…  Salty laud the viscera  molder at the palmy. Let weightless madness flow a fain alongside the pervert superego jobbery. Unabashed airbladder. Stroppy persona is homeless, persona it is is is not its not breakfast. Tires get thrown. Swing and balk mighty car and tit my mouse, Sprituals. YES. Mercer eyes, for and…

  • Lilt Tilt and Built

    Bits and Bites I am the marsala. Lilt tilt and built. Things not overtake able? Cheek in love? Farma a Suit a Call? Hear 0 ecology? I dont think of other people as drugs, or even writing as a drug, I know drugs I did drugs. Experimented, a lot. Writing isnt anything like taking a…

  • Latch Catch Patch Match

    It is propulsive. Desk work hounds the cash for groceries. So I can eat what doesnt kill me. Neg pug slug grants my clap to a trap — en française to catch is attraper. To a swell of freedom — form wise often plows along pecking at the ground, overhead schisms of reckless and the…

  • Seeing Pink 🥃

    Over, get over it, be over the thing? The transits the transports boots roots fleeing refutes testy for freedoms.  Abstraction hounds  the threader thrives on extensions flutter and crust. Raise raise the protracted eye raid the holy margins, dripping with mistrust, lame disgust — What parries for a brain  to scatter the pain vengeance is not…

  • Repetition, Fixation and Irruption as Gateway to Meta in Poetry

    Repetition behaves and interacts to produce synchronicity and divergence in the meta.  By meta, I am referring (rhetorically) to its possessing inducement and modulation of both meaning and focus. Repetition acts to underscore beauty in all its traffic patterns as an immersive, inherent in nature of time and language itself.  Rhyme is a colossal element…

  • Mortars of Coffee

    Swallow the flood.  Let death  renew creation. Fill pump to a ten-ton warehouse in flurries of mad ablation. Every death a surplus deal  to salt the wheel. Draw new maps to enter with grim elation flaunt determination. Hate bait fixate.  O these petulant surly immurations angelic torments tender flammivomous vows! Burning through rages wracked with empathy.…

  • Princess of Pipi V3

    working on still raw. Melting into affinities did not stop a spread of relish where angels slip up to the top and rinses pyromancer with pith and panty cavorts with cavalry stick and stock where beanblossom aerodromes and resistance leaps into the red at crazy beauty in tissues of lies hungry for my head. Quiet.…

  • Habit Tat

    Spot on Literature is a habitat for me now, a breathing organism. Tho one of oceanic starkness and darkness still, it has come to assume again a threshold of immanence — A decorum of intimacy, that puts ear to sluice of page, like Fitz and Zelda, Proust and his mum, or young Baudelaire riding his…

  • Land A Lake Run Off

    Therefore Nonexistence is, Pluriparty thinks, a sorcery for “immunity.” Pluri vs the nonexistence thing. Too full, Miss Many Penny. Therefore, no one home. No worries, Pluri announces, no one home. Up worms squirms with alarum turns — declarations of nonexistence, to wrap up the pain in a Buddha thing — so arrows have nowhere to…

  • Flight of the Flowerhead ✅

    The bad and the beautiful, giddy and god awful. A pride, a prejudice and a passion. Hitting a triple, thats poison to the pesticide. Space to rover for glory, touched by freedom’s madness. Sure poison is jealousy. Or that old hat didge: forbidden fruit. Or the way the wind stirs things up across a panorama…

  • Dead Lucky/Body H8

    8 Characters so far… Christa thinks time is timeless. Every moment hangs like an empty chair on a wall, ready to fall with fate. Precipice and what’s left, empty and dangling. Beauty peers out at her, a devious acquaintance. What she sees of herself, fascinates, as miracle and casualty she drinks in it. Drowns in…

  • Intro Flo

    Intro Flo My name is Flo. And I am a cess, I am cessed with the work of angels and my life as an insect. Also drawing on gesture in a manipulation of thumbnails videotapes headshots. All articles of concession confession or prognosis — are stolen mind you, stolen. Flo’s mind is a mosh pit.…

  • Rocket Theme Minuets 🥃

    A muse that loves misses ? like strange defenseless kisses And a sorrow that swells to drown itself in mischief Dormants that sabotage, that ploy and play loath to love again ? send me on my way — Pledges push fetches out across edges fathomed to a dance with death Blazons out a rocket in…

  • Thermus Aquaticus

    Unexpected clouds.   Hanging on the lane.  Flies filled my brain. Ideas screaming. Became weary of breathing. Pressed negations regimentals.  Smelled like angels. Glistening with misfortune.  Prisoned, wild souls. Parading death cries. Take shelter. Looking for polygons. Sparkling like a pen knife. Views: 6

  • Beginning or End of Something

    Beginning or End of Something

    Body of Hate Surface of Love — fifth draft + fourth draft There is no me She’d left, went out. Started walking. Walk the whole way? She just kept walking. There is no me. There is no me…. ? LuLu says this a lot, to the weather, to the wind. Restlessness roving. Out of bounds,…

  • 18 Repeat Answer

    Love tired lost found  adders batters kitchen.  Down the dumdum down. Lunatic moments dance music wealthy healthy? to dance  for the love of She Tor Song. Kiss out all the evil  skinny and scorn. Views: 39

  • Everything & Silence

    Everything & Silence

    Begin. Again, Every different perception of knows who you are. Doubles points — Another sign — roadwork ahead. Four is more than nothing. Opening up open open up… why is pie and fly for the sky. Called out her name. Jaws and paws. Time and again. Met with everything there is (to know about nothing)…

  • A Chase of Bonking Lights 🧤

    Sunshine awoke, the tanning dept. Its surrender surrounded by a chase of bonking lights. An antenna tower could be seen out back, where angels hover. Wide as hell for freezing over? Far and tethered to the sun and the moon and the freezing rain. Gathering wood turned holy battle fly and ship island, wreck. Lures,…

  • Thousand Days of the Dead

    Spirit came couched at wandering altitudes yet bounded bounded bounded by punters in my cunt taunting romantic conspiracies diseases worthy of naught hatchery caught the ephectic onslaught. Every pending ending hinging on a fuck a duck a muck with views on the transgressive. The balm balm mind ate itself in flashes. Clustering agenticity cloven to…

  • Naked Lunch Break

    Holy Shit The “squander/plunder” bunny — Keeps on falling into bunny hole. Bunny hole is tacit reference for going down with the plumb.  Exchange of beauty accompanied by death, violence accompanied by death, enthusiasm, love above, duty accompanied by death, fathoms spasms of license to love, falling head over heels, accompanied by death. Another oblivion…

  • No Make Ends Meet

    No Make Ends Meet

    No your going your going no your flowing out to sea no borders and burdens too true, mine bursts into flames repeatedly. Attenuating feathers is all why hi I know of the V. Ideas that sue vous and rue at tops the nothing hand the nothing hair yet the sun is converted everywhere. Time itself…

  • Air to Airing

    Air to Airing

    Restless and roundabout grew and flew and blew  the night for light light light.  Flakes and stacks. The making of moves. Puns with radicality storming at the surface where suffocated the horizons, screeching with tremors seemed to threaten allowances counting all the way up from less to zero. What never fades with wait of days…

  • 15 Eau de Perfum

    Quicken the associative inflames my frantic bright. Heavy disturbs the monastery. A need for the reflection, touched. Dreams the sudden perpetuated interruption. Enlightens where the seeking mate bait fate sponges up will fills the lake for words like burrs that stick to fondling embassy. Arches walking the power of knees a lover of trees. Good…

  • Endless Fucking Off 🧤

    Time to damn up the wall. There are no traces. Net from evil only ? mitigated to mystical uniforms? Wild flowers blowing across a nullah of stirring oil. Swarming yes weeping knots yes — opening up the midnight forges. Sweet shattering blazes illuminating schisms and ravaged corners. Cease cease that educated dungeons devils junk? The…

  • 13 A Purple Matter — revising, good stuff here, needs to be condensed.

    Polygons be polygons ride by water tracing shadows in unnameable doorways where air meets air and comes to an end. Traffics in close calls arouses and suspends arouses and suspends. Tiger tiger circles in den. Views: 85

  • 12 Snowflake Filling Cracks

    Fiery fury reenters the hanging. Unframe the unforgotten ! Fight for it fight for it. Thickly and Gospel. Truth or Fail. Violets on wall the final call. Penetrate evil arouse the green gun. Come Dover come… Electric pretty a prisoner of — the all fall down. Radians come come turn about — about zero degrees…

  • Viral and Spiral/Body H8

    Haute le Couer The splendor and the burn. Dogs at night. Barking at the unknown. The ticklish and fragile, belly up and burning blue. Holy scares, holy reckonings, holy scars. The ravages of grace, its giddy violent perfumes. Holly go holy. Go go go – Sweet infernal yoyo. Some – more – guess board of…

  • 11 For your amusement

    1. Its clear joy  you too do. Where in between  shoo  the cake  and door. Boots malice this time?  Annoyingly wonderful? Cards  coffee in the raining work   hand water jug ​ ​lighthouse.  Watch.  Ways to get your on. Fragrant  bright red.  Huddle bleakly  goodbye instead?  Views: 11

  • 10 With Marker Will Blend V1.2

    Perpetual blending open and lit raises a sharp gate poisoned and sweet creates themes like hot bitter honey dune with fate  intruders spark sins that look past the hidden reshaping the free importuners agree. The body a river  wherever thought bends gape mystical moments saved by “the accent” a purple raised smell a galloping wall a…

  • Infinite and Less

    Delusions of beautywhat staggers unbowedimpudence swayslike a bed of human flowerseternity sly wild and tornuncertain graceschurlish, airbornewhat plies for franchise in winged streaks wincing through peakstransfigures the adornedsweet ears, overreachtraffic in visionsthat bade and raid for the undefinable, a signal for peace. Views: 11

  • Trace Hydronic Epi Sonics

    To: Anthony Marx (and others) Hunger burns my mountains top off. Nightingales throb at puzzles. Every goodbye blackbirds cry and muzzle and guzzle and make new trouble. Lows go lower wag the hog nill for kills and gnaw at paw. Separate the dead from the living — breeds curiosity bees. Bewildering splendors suffer the drop…

  • Not Getting Any 🥃

    Discovering Transitives discussion, Linked here. Not getting any Too busy woozy frizzy. Thinking about it. Thinking about it. Thoughts about death intrude. Thoughts about death always intrude. Baby punky funky, is sicky picky poor thing. You poor thing. Eyes make faces. Worry then blurry. To avail of the stickiness all aghast as a sickyness, as…

  • 01 Inextricabality & Mind Where You Ho/e

    Presently working on this “essay as fiction” for book: Pissing Rain in Spain, Delusional Variations in Excremental Splendor — Welcome to my playground. V for Voussoir Knick knock knock. Important repeating burningness of shrub. Joke with the jail time. Slave to life to god to time. As a zig trigger wig — thing, very. Seeing…

  • New Sht

    Have four new ones did from latest cutters. Few changes still needed but basically work. Anticipating doing more. Finding it VERY VERY HELPFUL settling things down. Thank you. Calming everything down and yet working my way through. I dont want to create disruptions that disorient or cause difficulties. I DONT WANT TO. Fact is its…

  • Em Bezzelers

    The Lunch. Love is a hunch back notre damn. Beckons for a reckoning but falls, still falls riven with enthralls as way into epiphanies. My undressed pail as a belly of whale animating in and out of your frame — Lovely dementia grafts of holy cabbage onto logic of habits and treasuries its rabbits hopping…

  • Married to Shelley

    Married to Shelley

    Declares time a Lazarus forlorn over sky oceanic and nigh. Woof wanton and fly. Do you till you die. Puzzles busted into sordid pieces gushing flushing touching rope. Garde à l’eau — watch out below. Everything rattles fingers and tips every tremor battles the skew flutter and drift. Every skim and scorn adorns the drop.…

  • Verity or Charity ✅

    Restless and quitting at once, at once or stay stay play pylons of metapipelining. Raise the high finger to my pies gate before drive away. Foot and tooth integration station buds with deliriums’ reflexes, hidden in the finding. The circle plussed padded quandary’d and echolocated. Gold is statues many heads on the eye liner. Suffer…

  • The balm in betweens

    Am still working on. V3. Soft is deepness, the thousand wells. Innumerable. Happy island bunch in the flesh of you is beauty’s pan handling handles on it. Parks for gold the staggering camp. Not to bee, oh its you again — at the underground of sound — where raptors fly, their impossible plumes. Smig is…

  • 05 Calm Balm Psalm V2

    Sausage is a proverb. Drip of flash in fire and sun. Fishing is in church. With nothing off the table. Drink is a visual sink. Bone’s a world vehicle. Where tremors spike. Where mouth goes to bottle. To neck and insurrect. The laws of forgetting. Ships with an open lip. The cutters, must. Views: 79

  • Portuguese Teas 🌹

    Punto gusto telepaths, sweet and mutant with freedoms prejudice. Arrested glows rough and ready flows mongering for free throws. What falls in love with being in love. Tarries with your order. Meet me at the border. Yes, no — Sun, wan and the guessing game show. How inclements spike with mysterious intelligence the headiness of…

  • canvas dante

    Hillock animator emerged to inebriate let her fingers over here. Jets is missing mine. Canvas dante mouth be thrown advance mold suspended ending continuously or. Yes no, turning and chewing wills to look. Use answered tremble on. Touched it rested we had gulls perpetuated meetsbelieved el beach and dove listen to me calling for torn…

  • Taking Temp (byby baby fat)

    Canals for clay, taste baste Writers that create around them circles. They are for me like a ring of fire and stones. Thank you — for fat for rebus!!! And for extending me holme/s multiaxial cone, a Pisa between us, to relapse relieve rethink rezone. laid to waste…? allow plow cow — as jilt of…

  • Concerning Uncertainties

    Uncertainties intoxicate. Also started 6.6, probably will rename, a few more tucks and nips. Thank you forever. Tremble and it turns pale. There. There everywhere. Crackling and the deep. Unexplainable disavowal no begging, slept restlessly. Deep one crackling peer a mid carved window thirsty for you. Traverses thebes lingers on twelve bags dangerous chewing. Immunity…

  • Vox Angelica

    Bloodborn forlorn where angels scorn enchanted with destinys child untames the raven and all that dust unspeakable theanthropical lusts where deaths fucks trucks undaunted yens the mirror they call Moriah. Darkness swells and darkness sells torn from time to poisons flower breaches stretch and stretch and stretch to streak across that headless fire. My outer…

  • Fat and All That

    Play Kay drunk from The Wills. This is a Free Writing Run On on top of another that received as an open cut. Its a composit of questions, sessions, and “chars” am presently working on. Chars are not characters, but angelic frisbees of the bodyless carnates. Methodology is a kind of mixology that comprehends to…

  • Norwegian Woody

    Escape to disappear fate amazing tin extraction. Hard hard hard alee illuminate. Piston in enemy followed…

  • Boudin Noir

    Sweet spit in the wound, as ever, snares a spark. Oh the covetous lune where lightening strikes an escaping heart. Cart and beat trot and sweet rippling, crippling stepped in it steep. Excavating n-jins like ears of corn hungers mystical edgeless endlessness broken into like a magical storm. Sunk into my knees with a scorching…

  • Speak Not Its Name

    Deathly struggle with emptiness and beauty creates passage — time assumes allumes devolves ascends ascends ascends — breaks poem is just started. still under construction — check back in a week. breaks apart bends -/ kisses floor of shore the flying fish de lac — as door to redrum opens opens things fall things fall…

  • The Drain Bandit

    Camisole de Force Dribble, these puddles, I see them as puddles, puddles that grow fish, fish become bruised and rapture ruptured — heavenly strained — therebeit granularized, the sky that pie and fry. Weep scorn and sizzle ! When mention becoming human, all suddenly flips, suddenly slips into darkness there is no middle — And…

  • Ixion at rest

    So much in there cannot breath. But breathless is joy climbing up and down at once. Va and vient. Out on rafters where bats cuddle upside down heats up fur and feather. Clirice outcome at pleasure pumps for a beautiful dump is a part of Constance who “hilly billy wills” for extensions that rill up…

  • Making the Cut

    Drowning — drowning in Beckett. Its lovely its something I do. Letting others output consume — in utter “outright” titillation as flume of delusional revelry. Swim in swamp loner pudding where Beckett scrapes, combs, scrutinizes, intermediates… He is a hunter too — he basks in it, too. How there is also a little Winnie the…

  • Orbits Gum

    Go looking for it. Orbits. Trenches devour the holy with mm, goal foal stole roll hole mole change out squill fill hill bill chill always until. Its planted in a garden of symp toe Matt holy toss before hearth of cramp damp amp hamp lamp. Rhymin roots through me. Nothing can collect but collage of…

  • Up to Nothing and More

    Cling of Sling V2 Wretched beautiful waves of enchantment, time and shadows, circling like sparkle fish, provoking change, everything rearranged, like a snap of twig, beautiful, wry, chancy, on the run. Every moment taken and missed, pilfered and deadly? A fairy imp intrigue of slippery synchronicities, raging loopy oppo sits, hanging by sweet fetters, sweet…

  • Feminime Jouissance

    Exchange of extensions. So valuable. I am sad. I am glad. I am bad. New char called Leatherette, my lovely leatherette, stubborn, defiant, but chummy too yummy gummy often stumped — but not (and this is important) frantic. Char Lotta is now proclaiming wants to do a whole bend-etta on Sad Girls. (Kiss kiss.) Miss…

  • Vampire Logic

    Best thing about vampire logic — That they share needles? drink blood? that they come alive at night — Forever and ever lurks for blood, that mad desire of the eternal, to bite into neck of life and yet: never die — no, once bit bit for good. Cant help but love other vampires for…

  • Flower Drums of Paris

    First Draft 3.8.20/ Much Still to Edit 6.26.21 — It has a floor, and that floor is its doors, every line opens up a closet and looks in, via la lang bang. Every freedom that pops up in usage and time, is pursued. And repetitions lacing through also give it the sense of a floor,…

  • Head on Bowl

    Getting there — Lob and we are meant to fall. Rhymes the gall. Chimes the way  runes the dunesweighs head on bowla whistleblowers metastable — Called to stand in black and pinkhome’s drawers and drawers are filed with it — — farceurs allures— loves of loaves — Vincent’s napsters in fields of crow. Boning honing sky for mariners readings…

  • Climax and The Horizon

    Athwarts Division V5 Fancy chancy. Step by step. Doing undoing, aching forsaking. Neediness for day lights, wake up wake up, call call call. With LiLu LeSuere it was always urgent. Sun burning repetitiously up against sweet delusions of hell. Moils bunnies in their box, screamers screamers, the box is toxic, or its fallopian, always diverticular,…

  • Desert Stormy v

    New formula pursuing with a purpose. First pursue “bones” underneath, however dense or hit up against rhyme, whatever angels, auditors or chars pop out — Let them come knocking, let them in as find. All will bare aspects cliche but pay no mind. Just accept it and see what you find. Do Char hunting with…

  • Leaves Open to Question

    Am I Vampire. Or Vampire’s Closet with a drawer for every blood type. Am I Vampire Char head covered with ashes ashes scaling the chimney in lutestring —noircur. Or undersea Pirate. Or frown-defaced Clown in oversized biband ripe nanny gown. Or chuckles the pig up on 2-legs and mechanized bike get it on get it…

  • Is It Hell?

    1.6.20 V2 Something keeps on reaching out anyway. Reading signs — in the emptying sand, weaves shadows into meaning, and comes alive, at stunning visual distances. Lives for it, loves for it. Something irreparable keeps me there. Searching for surface of love. But what, what am I reaching for — what what?? For reach. Reach…

  • Body of Hate — hardly started.

    Small defiant ludicrous. But there is something here we love. The worst it gets the worst we love it.  There’s a foot there caught in trap, turns into a well, and the well descends, and we pull on chain as swim around it, drown (multiplied times) and pop back up.  Has trouble finding what —…

  • 03 Bobbing Blue

    1.1.19 Last Catch Wormy Bit? The heart corrupts again with delicious goods, goods that bob in the blue. But everything is a haze now, snug in a silence, a sweet meltdown of the beautiful travesty. Reading L’Innommable (in french) is heavenly corruption too, the thing is balanced on a nose, shiny chatty taciturn pithy sardonic…

  • 02 Cars from Mars

    Jumper Evils Puddling with jumpers — races after epiphanies — a defender of splendor, with a spoon for the moon. Shadows fetch through darkness after strains of ugliness, wistful and yearning, tremblers a tyranny of honor and lust. Defiant from reason. Bursts of the holy moly is a resistance to future. Waves bathe in wonder…

  • Aw Hell

    12.18.19 Occasionally writing is glorious for me, I find that astonishing. And intriguing where it goes and how it muses its way there. Speed reading Beckett in French, new affection for Beckett again! in a way thats right on top of what I am doing, with giggling Proustian fits. That are tinged naughty disturbed scathing…

  • Sickness Intercedes 🌹

    Cold as Her Fireplace Cold pills, head pain, and bountiful exudations of sputum, climbing up and out of her throat, every minutes per five. First come chills then come the sweats… And the sweet and pornery? the fishy insipid intoxicated sublime — still roaring ? For the bidden, for the forbidden. Whore score and more.…

  • Day Tripper

    12.3 Go Willingly Head feels slightly elephantitis. That big fat empty. This always happens when sit on edge of something that then isnt a dream anymore but a doing thing. The wayside pulls up, as mechanic was tinkering, and empties of my precious evil art upon the gnolls, where thirsty flows a sudden rinse again…

  • Cake Walk

    Like a theme park water whirl of compass and wind — A lovely racket Angela says. About projecting beauty on surface as a condition of faith. All the while, meanwhile, pumps away, heart’s sleepy glum extol, furtively mining under “the hole,” for fissures of density. Language of density being co-equivalent with language of the deep.…

  • Shades of 44th Street

    “L’insu que sait de l’une bévue s’aile à mourre –“ From Lacan in “On Surrealism” by Josefina Ayerza A thousand folds of napkin tears itself apart. Sniffles whispers blunders! blunders? gotta wonder —

  • Nuestra Señora de Atocha 

    The unknown translocates wandering asunder blunders as lowering rope in fits of defiance fly and die  the sky and spy blood and water a nail to mix green and hopeless for a fix — Ready ready are you ready for this — A mission of fate beyond beyond the belly of hate   beyond surface…

  • st. george

    Payout was on impactturn styled into wicked joy did not understandthe MEANING of that. Ships ahoy. Come nowbetter understanding precarious attachments? Elements migration spurned aloftlike holy abuse. & cypher spunkeye got dunked etc. Dead pie infection:when sickness was frantic escape from life becoming hellish drudgery – By way of part:monkey see monkey woo.Gunmen, knocks me…

  • To No Thing and Every Thing

    Fingers tingling at never endings, always palsy, eating it up. Feeds a restless wonder for plunder.   Heave ho,  quiet down and draw scratchy puddling florals gawd awful on purpose the subversive immersive — Screaming I am drawing, everything is great dates with fates. It’s shocking to me.  Can only do this way.  Subversively ?…

  • Weave it be, or Holly stuck with thumb in syenite/Body H8

    Every noun has possibility. Ricochets against pastiche, in greetings. Along the wayside. V 4 — Body of Hate. Surface of Love. Done not done. Definitely frozen — but fully in its cups. Its kind of random housey but small. Compressed into a kind of thumb in seawall of copious beauty term squirm haunted bathing in…

  • Redhanded Salute to Beauty Inherent in its Deploy —

    Camus is glorious is all it is what it is why it is, meanwhile back on the farm: Out to see if he can explain what he thinks and why. Book of his just read is in essay format. Principally about how and what developed for his theory of the absurd. And how it can…