poetry scroll 1

13 A Purple Matter — revising, good stuff here, needs to be condensed.

Polygons be polygons

ride by water

tracing shadows

in unnameable doorways

where air meets air

and comes to an end.

Traffics in close calls


and suspends arouses

and suspends.

Tiger tiger

circles in den.

Skeletons on the wall

a birthright impales

compels to incise into chalk,

sprays and sands.

Must make it, need

must make it, walk and

riding riding picks up a stalk

into woo into woo into

early every saint —

is of that headly

deadly paint

before the bright

and ugliness of day

a toppling martyrdom olé olé.

Bursts into altars

ancient thirst

and above burning circles

birds take possession

through dead in air

to give their blood

and make warfare.

Sledges beat

under bright gray skies

bear down on beedom.

Meticulous and vibrant

the wuther blows

roaring dull sounds

that intercess

passions freedom


addles to confess.

Grave blacked out tombs

in bloody spoons

arise arise,

surprise surprise

from rims where sites

the mission heights —

gainsay bell and fetter

for grievous rights.

The sweet and dreaded

locks into hair

where knees are naked

stretched to a pair

horizons ardents

doubles down there

crushing it, grooms

a dead eye, stare.

Pain of dance

a fighting chance

hundreds generated

fervent parterre

Colette’s midnight qualms,

these lucubatory bonds,

the raven and crow.

Laughter away

bill blow bill blow.

Sirens bed and bard

the wan willow,

courage devils

with poverty

deserted seats

walking duo folds

with pairs of keats,

reaching reckless,

catches fire.

Roots in television, preys

for survivors.

Everything matters

depths and whole.

Air fire water

settles into soul.


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