Category: fateless

  • A Perfusion of Urn ✅

    Raise the high finger wave, make waves let my pie flyconsecrate the sky.Where plusses rift deuces, battle mortal cruces,crave for truces.Buffer and squeeze the holy breezebeating the bounds.Arises, and flies troubled tangledundisguised, speaking ofpathways to love. But where beauty bringsuneasy things, contrarity is a constant companion something never immune from wandering off, in a cadence…

  • Churched On The Absurd ✅

    A game birdchurched on the Absurdhumor and signhacking after Rhyme. Tread the Sea as it wavesfishing with hungerfix in for Plunderwonder and thunder,sweams along listening Arcgrammar in the Grimoire sorrow and scarbrisk itbrisk it.Stroppy magicians stir the Firepanics into antics flies the bird -liberates the Absurd.Expiation in tiers truant for tenderness stirrup bone and cogbeak-head squaresailpeacoat sea dog.

  • Swill Bot of Days 🥃

    Dug up a shellgills purple and blue.Shell-found and bounda swarm of oysterWith license to burn.Steepedin signs Heart and its dartsWhat wrenches and shinesRutting deep and marrowBraving swoonsof rapture and sorrowFiery findschurched on the absurd.Sacred in itsardormuzzled, puzzledBy its griftunforgivable lift.Gauntletat brinksThrows down,the lofty sinks, intoPassions crypto and orchidSub versiveand more bid Panicky for your gaze.Stoic,…

  • GM loves GP

    Yearner madness basing for stuntshunts like a punterbunt bunt bunt!Rather moonling than dead,haul raven off to face insane dread.Aching void Flos Campi bang bang, moltswindy wicked lavish jolts.Gods of Nih -survey every slice.Call bounder off to substitutionary sacrifice.Willing victim partakes religiously in own grief.Feast of the innocentsa bonnie bred fleece. For lorn, for lornthe flute is porn!Raised by scorn,a god-fearing wet nurse. Whiff…

  • Honey Chopped ✅

    I have a lovefor pure, sentimentally demurereconnaissance.The remit to seeafter it,to hearin sounding of wavesa collusion, a solicitous infusiongullible pansthe carcass of my faith.As when eerie,]squirm insolublechide monstrousprey to madness.Faithless fodder upturns, in holy spellsof wack a mole hell.And I can’t stop it,horror chases me down,lose it lose itThrow the damn board oh happy dagger,misericord.Then in…

  • Blade of Either Or 🥃

    Posted for towingbest to keep things goingtake it in and let it swim wade through traps, opening and closing,cause and night where blow  wondrous misdirectionsput up a fight skimming fishes for wishes  in points at depths.Smitten, accidentally knock over a corpsefind its head glowing -comes awakea vasty scopiousfull of give and take.In shimmering grave, the gravid pavidlavish lieswhere flung over wall kit…

  • In An Anonymous Nutshell ✅

    Hell silent as an eggshell whispered sounds profound and sin taunt and grazed a rave blue oblivion. From out of a sully murk cruel beautiful fancies  blunt & gloomy with desire tantalized, impelled  a sordid blue reign  a dystopian umpire. Through dread walls thick with daily woe  there willed a flame to breach that urgency that…

  • Murderous Lulls ✅

    Hits and runsmidnight sun.Mining blinding winds of oblivion.Displacements misplacementsgusting with fire and death.The shouting mad.Here comes the bad.Jolts tinklinglike a wind wounding, aroundsweeping arrays. To root out sword dangling down throat?At center, a heart twining in sandbreaking free from fry of panturning in my hand.Bed of gold so am told.Like drinking in the sacred. Freshly…

  • A Lost Art ✅

    Fallen angels do not wait for operations of justicehell being too eager with impetuous desire liquid with firean ignitabilitysticky and buoyant burning with counter mechanismsintrigues and righteous skepticism.That grows and grows every feather a blue hotela flog for the marring a phantom ship a mouldering heap – Leaps at tens e’er heaven condescendstakes it to…

  • This Fin For Hire ✅

    Intent content dis placement mis stepinto the in definite echoing echoing murmurs bribes something opaque cosmic belt of shadowing allegoryfizz whizz into a bottle battleof enumerating marvels. Mystery of love because of the becausetime out of time. Sweet and sordidhaughty gaudy floridshields catch weight shape of thoughtammunition factory phantoms taking off mutiny on the Dante Filippo Bruno serpents crawlcame the breathless night.Avenging angels irritating horroridentify…

  • Deadfall Metaphors ✅

    Furtif slippery lureswanton phallic fervors’ overturesBleeds into the goatish nightpunchy and brightFeeds on fire and dreadat every whispering cross Hoversnear a haywire freedom’s beloved glimmering albatross Vertigo or bliss dire and desirea subversive reloading cross multiplierMy cryptoforest soulmagnetic batardeaux fluviauxUp against the sky dances in its eyerages at the spyTracers sentin airto chancers in the…

  • The Big Easy ✅

    Vehemence of exercise.The lampA brickThe burning pit A musical glassFlaming forge of life. Eyes growstray as an echo Air and axe streaming with war and pillars of ecstasy.The lurespies a spur Shadowsrustling noctilucent Harkeningto speak with ocean Larks unfurltidals swirl Skies raise the dead,Spells darkeningruptureswarm with hellstorm with life. Knees beside sacred and tornlike Biblical cornunder the hollyDante’s lovevital or follyTalking…

  • Möbius Morbid Muff and Stuff

    Love rages trying to get out. Cant. Cant get out. Batters ram ram ram ram as walls come closing in cloaked in arrays’ abduction and dismays. Love burns my heart into a rigid block of chisel and cunt hammer hidrosis bristle brush hosepipe. The gall and glory of its nail sail and quail for tail…

  • Libanomancy 🥃

    Heaven sent. A flighty trowel. To clatter & scour. Darkness hitches through wonder a wooze heart’s slippery stake, unexcused. Coats with feather and tar shimmers in red hopes ajar. Brandishes a cross that plumbs with graphite covered thumbs. Windy for a joss of your stick. Calls and prayers crack & whiff dust the skin from…

  • Byrons lemming stops at brink to have a think ✅

    Byrons lemming twitches with horror & glee, love & death fetches bewitches Extracts acuteness from desire in perpetual industry. Cuts open my throat to feed its hungry fishes, biting biting. Wage rage get out of my cage terse and estranged buffering suffering Splitting pitting to let it out voice & scream of a wild &…

  • Un Less ✅

    Swanning for a rest, backcountry prepossessed –   cannot in itself destroy or complete   near shades of extortion where sorrows meet. Terror is an arsenal  availing of freedom.   Old weapons  appropriate oceans of sky, waterwheel blooms I swoon alongside.   My bloody-minded make mudholes  loves unnameable treasons rejolt  turns and burns a migratory bulls-eye…

  • del sagrado corazón 🥃

    Rhyme is a pulley but liberates like slough, sunk in at its edges verily carries me off. Its ancient hinge releases my refugee – the unreachable wound, an unrepentant effigy. Hostages provocateur stalk the undone tossed up like a shipwreck under a mock or mean sun. Blows like a fire eater into the overbright playing…

  • Basing on Blake ✅

    Quench quench wanhopes ?oh holy light – possessed of daywhere spirits stray cannot in itselfdestroy or complete near shades of extortionwhere sorrows meet. Timeless ralliesbuck & ween – cavort with terrorlike an arsenal – for freedom? Old weapons reloadpropriate oceans of sky the waterwheel flows -swoons, burbles – outrides! Bloody-mindedmake mudhole, sudden game ballbounds out…

  • Hand of Flood 🥃

    Steams schemes silent night screams fall into your belly in a mischievous frenzy a holy child, wing of foot torrents of hair cursed hand of blood. A battle of angels, sweet pathogens of love. Loyal & savage panicky mournful avid. Plods divine? Beneath purple misty mountain through a killer pipeline.

  • Paroles De La Mer ✅      

    Mouth of cavemy looters raid slope where slippery,take that mortal bath. Fire fire fire devastateslike ancient floods. To the limitopportune,Mother Nature swoons burns and turnsour lush forest sandsbottle traffic grey. Tyrants growing back(to the old)provoke extrabiblical wrath nostalgia for sacrificeand the love of domination colony is a mortalbrute sensation. Let bodies of the brawlbrave the…

  • The Royal Hospital 🥃

    A strollby museum, uncrateredonce a famous Goal& spit at murderers beneath my feeta grindhouse for pirates moans& fall as I fallon stroke of kniveswhere swells beneath euphonya mystery of wild foldswan of hope where wilderness settles& partakes in dangly bits of woe. 

  • My Punditry is a slave to death 🥃

    Anothers body morgued, alack another timeless multiple attack flies the buzzards about adorned now with constutional screeds circling circling where love lies again bleeding. Guns hankering to be fired with a buyers mad greed have gun will travel and die for your country’s dire constitutionality sweet chicken feed! A brochure of bullets raving for grace…

  • Ransacking Humptiness 🧤

    Running for A Life ransacking love and death sweetness and throws as an emptiness of warring consequence, Sang beauty’s miraculust tantrums that a heart that dissipates  accumulates buck and wing fecking tireless are the detonated Fearless skies along with the terror-ridden dormants are asides fired up with pride pride is a rush of anguish. Heaps…

  • Will Ye Nill Ye ✅

    When holein chest turns greenwind grows breathless that reeling feelingthat burns & woosthat panic ensues.Impassionate leaningsweighted & percussiveheld captive by moodslugubrious & eruptive!Swinging high on the hivesaints alive freedoms deviousskip to the loop.Luminous bedbugstraffickers, snoops.Beauty’s hiltrogue economymy oilers’ toilersmy martyrs’ barterersliberators, ink you baiters -Shadow and sway.Indulge the day.

  • Cat Among the Ruins ✅

    How thrives on wonder sprees a greedy loam for honeycomb. Lust raids in gusts forever reborn, nursing and cursing its exemption. Enemy in dark savors rattle, boot + saddle riddled with irreplacebility for bait of fate. Crotchets carrying off the lame scratch at door scuttle insane. Tameless are the nameless that veer among straits plucky…

  • suspiral vent

    At bottom sits jokers wild   wild with blastments bloodbird & riddled   curmurrings pose villianry sweet and dangling   mingle-mangles my storming breathlessness   as drums smoke pores violently open   glomming torched spun & rattling   into your arms seditiously soaking   the bloodguilty throat of a whir & drone iron lung  …

  • Whats under your hood

    Sot with love and cosmic death   horrors magic tragic fruit of poisonous tree –   itches fishes and twirls for pluralismo worlds   multangled to the ashery.

  • Sweet Heresies of Love ✅

    Heart awakensancient impatient ransoms of desire.And the sorrows that ply for ithaunt it, yearn it.Burn baby baby, rue and cry.Wryness aroused by stunts and anguish how they languish.Alights a slippery scarefire. Love can be a breathtaking breach. An afterbirth, that bubbles and shrieks.Desires growing more and more obscene with pain.Unruly raptures. Impenetrable treachery.Dancing with mayhem.…

  • Beauty That Burns 🥃

    Beauty that burnsturns unrulyraft like wingstethered to the sky.  Drizzling sizzlesin schismsof passion, naysay& fury –  Hell before heaven,its raining fire.Wild reckless mysterya standoff, rebuke.Pouncy fightersofthearted blighter –  Holy terrors ? exilic bloodlust sullen and lute -Intoxicating ragewildly protracted,sacred captive ?Riveted, blinkeredpassions acute !Volatile, vulnerable torturously resolute -Rifty, cliftyunsurrenderables -my mad recruit.

  • combust with dust ✅

    As turns up again horse and the headless salt of its sink the nil to a null mull. Ghost of spinning gun in basement 11 that weighs a grant and cocks a death rant. Pounding in heart at the start wore me apart. Best make a run for it. Its listlessness a violent abyss an…

  • Épi De Fleur ✅

    Mischiefs relay le feu sacré catching blazes the looking glass bits. My tongue my tongue apposes its thumb — functioning ambisinister fissilingualist.

  • Swept Way 🥃

    A rolling fire in a tire of merciless desire causes and raptures to resist, or desist its raw caw-caw purr and paw escaping banalities magnified into poison raids the morn ferns into porn corn o’er the bleak becomes the reborn… My monkey hate for squirrels and bate how the subterfuge escalates… spins the tan out…

  • Obduracy of Rhyme

    First rhyme ever sentcaused pain.Hung up on menever spoke to me again.In poetry hunga deadly fore-edge.Did not comprehend,sword swallowing my pen.Brazening outafter hungers raw tragic meat.As if tearing at its crucifixiona wild gallows heat.Hermes wandered intuneful and allective.Contrary doleful unrepentant.Divine conveyorof under world souls.Rattling with mischief,hunger and grief.And the wisdom of a thief.Shimmering with cunning,safe-cracked the…

  • Apotropaic ✅

    Free from pander? free from shame? The divine implacability of sorrow. Melts like fire, generations of pain Loot and branch, bloom and flame. Hike morale patch, over evil eye Transcend divinity, tower of slain — With a revery of hopes, and the power of rain.

  • Endgames ✅

    Beauty is a flame seeking relief ravages embossed with hunger and loss sink straight up while falling falling falling off. Demons for love smoke out thresholds, where she panics. Love estranged is cursed  with holy water, that perverts compliance into defiance. And death into scheming eternity into meaning.

  • Singing in The Fire ✅

    Caught like a fish,down your wishingwell pantsmining for body parts, treasures in the tameless.Holy hellions,angelic pleasures -alightingalighting fishes biting, skully wags and skidmarksvitals fresh in bloom.Restless masks of Venus, tyranny scattered in the divine pineal bodyof the shadowy and the sublime. Bee wilder’d by the fairy tarry parry Larrys -the wind milling sank u warysthe…

  • Sweetie ✅

    Sweetie driven underground,torment boundto Insect Wheel.Coffin Fly that laysboute-selle as visions mount and fuckterrors tightening,heap corrupt!Profound & deadlyviolent dismay.Kill it off.Kill it off.Oh, make it stay.Butterflyingwhere terrors subsumea carthorse of raging sin -Love, fret and staunch,the countless taunts what so costlyraises the skin!Not go in peace -where vision boardsas dawn still hawkswhere reaper stalksdares serpent-volantto waltz back…

  • Pride Ride Hide Side 🧤

    Titles are things that chase me down hallways speaking to themselves mumbling ungraciously in search of what goes on underneath that spills into a gorge ponderous with duty and creepy lusts for busting out of the rad had mad sad bad… Shadows hanging at altars mythics after high high peaks and the holy hell where…

  • Pernicious Contrary ✅

    Stuck and tuck inside fatelessnesspain killers, a lidcontrary pernicious -insidiously deliciousransacking irreconcilabilitymutant with death punching at oblivionfor a sick f&ck of – meth ?Loosen your changeall seething and wreathspiking the bitters cold, trenchant & sweet.

  • Pasta La Vista ✅

    1Meet mein a bar afar.Rustle me outof this ocean wreck,urchin for toolsBering Strait.2Meet meon the Bridge of Sighsbell and the fogharrow and cark.Kiss a graceof this hour and face.Pull me outof this can of fire.3Every needling thirsta howling prowling curserelentless and lurking a gluttony of desirepander and thunderand wonder and plunderhot and sullen a chariot…