A rolling fire in a tire of merciless desire causes and raptures to resist, or desist its raw caw-caw purr and paw escaping banalities magnified into poison raids the morn ferns into porn corn o’er the bleak becomes the reborn… My monkey hate for squirrels and bate how the subterfuge escalates… spins the tan out of hand the oceanic sublime sedates the abhorrent and drives my ship of fools and tools smashes it apart gaping through a break wall of love and all its sorrows. And linger ass under its blanket of death falling with furniture on the infinite on the infinite... A greed, my mooon has infinitely come to trust for all its lost causes barreling into the crack between sweet and evil what necessitates the prints of darkness. Treasured mutiny of waves I built a home for it in stomach of love. To feed the whirr ship caught healing me again love sometimes can be a kind of negative thing, a jump over the waterfall and swept away.
Swept Way 🥃
2 responses to “Swept Way 🥃”
new look
magnifico -
Good day! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I truly enjoy reading through your posts. Many thanks!
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