Category: rain in spain

  • Graft

    Plunder bunnying after The Idea is a reflectivity old as sea along with its wretched desolation/delivery Tribulation piracy.  And I know now Stinky was a robbery that devoured – that Em is a flesh eating flower, and that it gave birth to my beautiful treachery – I know thats the cruces. That madness is (in…

  • Repetition, Fixation and Irruption as Gateway to Meta in Poetry

    Repetition behaves and interacts to produce synchronicity and divergence in the meta.  By meta, I am referring (rhetorically) to its possessing inducement and modulation of both meaning and focus. Repetition acts to underscore beauty in all its traffic patterns as an immersive, inherent in nature of time and language itself.  Rhyme is a colossal element…

  • Land A Lake Run Off

    Therefore Nonexistence is, Pluriparty thinks, a sorcery for “immunity.” Pluri vs the nonexistence thing. Too full, Miss Many Penny. Therefore, no one home. No worries, Pluri announces, no one home. Up worms squirms with alarum turns — declarations of nonexistence, to wrap up the pain in a Buddha thing — so arrows have nowhere to…

  • Naked Lunch Break

    Holy Shit The “squander/plunder” bunny — Keeps on falling into bunny hole. Bunny hole is tacit reference for going down with the plumb.  Exchange of beauty accompanied by death, violence accompanied by death, enthusiasm, love above, duty accompanied by death, fathoms spasms of license to love, falling head over heels, accompanied by death. Another oblivion…

  • 01 Inextricabality & Mind Where You Ho/e

    Presently working on this “essay as fiction” for book: Pissing Rain in Spain, Delusional Variations in Excremental Splendor — Welcome to my playground. V for Voussoir Knick knock knock. Important repeating burningness of shrub. Joke with the jail time. Slave to life to god to time. As a zig trigger wig — thing, very. Seeing…

  • New Sht

    Have four new ones did from latest cutters. Few changes still needed but basically work. Anticipating doing more. Finding it VERY VERY HELPFUL settling things down. Thank you. Calming everything down and yet working my way through. I dont want to create disruptions that disorient or cause difficulties. I DONT WANT TO. Fact is its…

  • canvas dante

    Hillock animator emerged to inebriate let her fingers over here. Jets is missing mine. Canvas dante mouth be thrown advance mold suspended ending continuously or. Yes no, turning and chewing wills to look. Use answered tremble on. Touched it rested we had gulls perpetuated meetsbelieved el beach and dove listen to me calling for torn…

  • Taking Temp (byby baby fat)

    Canals for clay, taste baste Writers that create around them circles. They are for me like a ring of fire and stones. Thank you — for fat for rebus!!! And for extending me holme/s multiaxial cone, a Pisa between us, to relapse relieve rethink rezone. laid to waste…? allow plow cow — as jilt of…

  • Concerning Uncertainties

    Uncertainties intoxicate. Also started 6.6, probably will rename, a few more tucks and nips. Thank you forever. Tremble and it turns pale. There. There everywhere. Crackling and the deep. Unexplainable disavowal no begging, slept restlessly. Deep one crackling peer a mid carved window thirsty for you. Traverses thebes lingers on twelve bags dangerous chewing. Immunity…

  • Fat and All That

    Play Kay drunk from The Wills. This is a Free Writing Run On on top of another that received as an open cut. Its a composit of questions, sessions, and “chars” am presently working on. Chars are not characters, but angelic frisbees of the bodyless carnates. Methodology is a kind of mixology that comprehends to…

  • The Drain Bandit

    Camisole de Force Dribble, these puddles, I see them as puddles, puddles that grow fish, fish become bruised and rapture ruptured — heavenly strained — therebeit granularized, the sky that pie and fry. Weep scorn and sizzle ! When mention becoming human, all suddenly flips, suddenly slips into darkness there is no middle — And…

  • Ixion at rest

    So much in there cannot breath. But breathless is joy climbing up and down at once. Va and vient. Out on rafters where bats cuddle upside down heats up fur and feather. Clirice outcome at pleasure pumps for a beautiful dump is a part of Constance who “hilly billy wills” for extensions that rill up…

  • Making the Cut

    Drowning — drowning in Beckett. Its lovely its something I do. Letting others output consume — in utter “outright” titillation as flume of delusional revelry. Swim in swamp loner pudding where Beckett scrapes, combs, scrutinizes, intermediates… He is a hunter too — he basks in it, too. How there is also a little Winnie the…

  • Orbits Gum

    Go looking for it. Orbits. Trenches devour the holy with mm, goal foal stole roll hole mole change out squill fill hill bill chill always until. Its planted in a garden of symp toe Matt holy toss before hearth of cramp damp amp hamp lamp. Rhymin roots through me. Nothing can collect but collage of…

  • Up to Nothing and More

    Cling of Sling V2 Wretched beautiful waves of enchantment, time and shadows, circling like sparkle fish, provoking change, everything rearranged, like a snap of twig, beautiful, wry, chancy, on the run. Every moment taken and missed, pilfered and deadly? A fairy imp intrigue of slippery synchronicities, raging loopy oppo sits, hanging by sweet fetters, sweet…

  • Feminime Jouissance

    Exchange of extensions. So valuable. I am sad. I am glad. I am bad. New char called Leatherette, my lovely leatherette, stubborn, defiant, but chummy too yummy gummy often stumped — but not (and this is important) frantic. Char Lotta is now proclaiming wants to do a whole bend-etta on Sad Girls. (Kiss kiss.) Miss…

  • Vampire Logic

    Best thing about vampire logic — That they share needles? drink blood? that they come alive at night — Forever and ever lurks for blood, that mad desire of the eternal, to bite into neck of life and yet: never die — no, once bit bit for good. Cant help but love other vampires for…

  • Flower Drums of Paris

    First Draft 3.8.20/ Much Still to Edit 6.26.21 — It has a floor, and that floor is its doors, every line opens up a closet and looks in, via la lang bang. Every freedom that pops up in usage and time, is pursued. And repetitions lacing through also give it the sense of a floor,…

  • Climax and The Horizon

    Athwarts Division Fancy chancy. Step by step. Doing undoing, aching forsaking. Neediness for day lights, wake up wake up, call call call. With LiLu LeSuere it was always urgent. Sun burning repetitiously up against sweet delusions of hell. Moils bunnies in their box, screamers screamers, the box is toxic, or its fallopian, always diverticular, making…

  • Desert Stormy v

    New formula pursuing with a purpose. First pursue “bones” underneath, however dense or hit up against rhyme, whatever angels, auditors or chars pop out — Let them come knocking, let them in as find. All will bare aspects cliche but pay no mind. Just accept it and see what you find. Do Char hunting with…

  • Is It Hell?

    1.6.20 V2 Something keeps on reaching out anyway. Reading signs — in the emptying sand, weaves shadows into meaning, and comes alive, at stunning visual distances. Lives for it, loves for it. Something irreparable keeps me there. Searching for surface of love. But what, what am I reaching for — what what?? For reach. Reach…

  • Body of Hate — hardly started.

    Small defiant ludicrous. But there is something here we love. The worst it gets the worst we love it.  There’s a foot there caught in trap, turns into a well, and the well descends, and we pull on chain as swim around it, drown (multiplied times) and pop back up.  Has trouble finding what —…

  • 03 Bobbing Blue

    1.1.19 Last Catch Wormy Bit? The heart corrupts again with delicious goods, goods that bob in the blue. But everything is a haze now, snug in a silence, a sweet meltdown of the beautiful travesty. Reading L’Innommable (in french) is heavenly corruption too, the thing is balanced on a nose, shiny chatty taciturn pithy sardonic…

  • 02 Cars from Mars

    Jumper Evils Puddling with jumpers — races after epiphanies — a defender of splendor, with a spoon for the moon. Shadows fetch through darkness after strains of ugliness, wistful and yearning, tremblers a tyranny of honor and lust. Defiant from reason. Bursts of the holy moly is a resistance to future. Waves bathe in wonder…

  • Aw Hell

    12.18.19 Occasionally writing is glorious for me, I find that astonishing. And intriguing where it goes and how it muses its way there. Speed reading Beckett in French, new affection for Beckett again! in a way thats right on top of what I am doing, with giggling Proustian fits. That are tinged naughty disturbed scathing…

  • Sickness Intercedes 🌹

    Cold as Her Fireplace Cold pills, head pain, and bountiful exudations of sputum, climbing up and out of her throat, every minutes per five. First come chills then come the sweats… And the sweet and pornery? the fishy insipid intoxicated sublime — still roaring ? For the bidden, for the forbidden. Whore score and more.…

  • Day Tripper

    12.3 Go Willingly Head feels slightly elephantitis. That big fat empty. This always happens when sit on edge of something that then isnt a dream anymore but a doing thing. The wayside pulls up, as mechanic was tinkering, and empties of my precious evil art upon the gnolls, where thirsty flows a sudden rinse again…

  • Cake Walk

    Like a theme park water whirl of compass and wind — A lovely racket Angela says. About projecting beauty on surface as a condition of faith. All the while, meanwhile, pumps away, heart’s sleepy glum extol, furtively mining under “the hole,” for fissures of density. Language of density being co-equivalent with language of the deep.…

  • Redhanded Salute to Beauty Inherent in its Deploy —

    Camus is glorious is all it is what it is why it is, meanwhile back on the farm: Out to see if he can explain what he thinks and why. Book of his just read is in essay format. Principally about how and what developed for his theory of the absurd. And how it can…

  • Pastiche vs. Gothic Grotesque — rewrite, let run on let go of so much formal

    Collecting New Notes On Trickster gods view of gargoyles as entry to pastiche. Pastiche gives entry into absurd, and Pluri party in general. Absurd gives entry into poetry as piss. Pastiche lets all gods come thru as mischiefs. Even language is resorted to mischief.

  • Symptoms of Idiomatic Sublimation –

    Actions Lucy Argues with Wally over making up Plays on Symptoms of Idiomatic Sublimation, Heavy Froth, Torch, and Lure for a Cure.  Am ordering books on Stage Managment and and a thesaurus for theatre on Actions. But thoughts themselves come in drunken waves, Mur and Slur, Lucy thinks sure it looks like Love, love isnt…

  • Last Kiss

    Last kisses turn buck shy, then grow suddenly fetid ferocious, then lapse into feeling free, what breaks the heart preserves it, too. Tin can eyes and art made of string. The archangel like a pumpkin is back in my bones like values and tools and jewels and a mule, hooves that gnaw at wood, its…

  • Flying Nun

    Claudine – Falling in love. Transference. From Thought to Language. When topics are love and love appears as a beyond hope – there is no reality, shadows as orbital, incurs calibration with transference, otherness, occultation, the ecliptic, subject itself as language of death. Claudine is a: Fool in Love. Surrounded all sides by respectability taboos…

  • Throwing the Board

    My Turn Guess it was my turn to throw the board. My turn for Fury to erupt. Mantra from The East, repeats and repeats, its nothing its nothing, thats its all in my head – composed to the addle of beautiful minds. I dont think other people accountable, as if at the controls, for shit…

  • Flower Drum Song

    Couple of months of sheer underwear heaven, she says to herself over and over. Underwear heaven is a new sobriquet for The Badlands. She loved The Badlands. The freedom there to persist as chimera of beauty (and longing): as resilience itself, as question mark, as yearning, as contemplation, as pyschomancy, etc. Its loss as a…

  • Love, Timidity & Impudence

    V4.2 Coming together finally. Visibility & Collapse How, in lurching waves of splendor, moony loony lude defiant, and supplicating, got caught in a struggle with death, with distance and blankness – Caught in a dire form of dread, where present tense seamlessly disappears, insensibly vanishes into perturbances at edges of meaning, muttering for salvation. If…

  • Undead As 4th Gender 🥃

    Heroic Fiend of Lots Roses in porn are heroic born. Every death over a desire made confetti of mutants in the milestone millsone zone, release license in th damp, a scamp and lamps, not just Alladins. Fallig back the Sheherizade of the 1001 mutations on tremors fears and seductions and horror as a whiplash effect.…

  • To be and not

    To be and not

    A bloom of negative love ?? love destroys me poetry toils and soils one can get lost in waves of destruction as a blessed feat of thwart beauty, angst is a hoarder, in order to have it – at all ?? withhold as a behavior seeking to control it ?? Why cant defeat the runaway…

  • Thirsty Critters

    Fashion thing. I must have la belle, beauty. She coexists as a monster of wonder and darkness. Horror tears her apart as a demon with wings. La Belle is a mechanism for creating fundamental relationship with honor and death?  When beauty is lost in the dysentery, beauty hiding out in bottom lands, hell is a place of descent.…