Adventures in Note-Taking

Adventures in Note-Taking
  • Albert Camus Myth of Sisyphus

    Fundamental question of philosophy, to live or not. What is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying — To run the risk, a passion, allegiance, faith, zeal — to point of death becomes equiv to intensification: a passion of living. Willingness risk “everything” for it. Balance between evidence and lyricism,…

  • Belief in the Intervening?

    Boatmans call. First line of song into my arms. Dont believe in intervening god. Wish at times I was more easily intervened — cud lit tings go — or go at with free will — had to fight with old gods to free my brain — because they terrorize my skin — Ends me up…

  • Consider This by Chuck Palahniuk

    This is a fun read. My take his phrases, his phrases are FAB ULOT. Encourage anyone who loves lit phrase raise, to read. Series of rhythms. Description. Instruction. Exclamation. Oh my. Onomatopoeia. Mix to taste. Authority Intimacy Pace. Little Voice. Moment by moment. Big Voice. Overvoice French Movie. Victoriana: Put a porch in front. Of.…

  • Death and The Dreamer

    Luminous quotes from 007 — “Dread grief trails bright phantoms … Are ideas [themselves] essentially… Stun… imaginations reawakening calamity. Their impossible and ghostly hands … draw us back … unimaginably changed.” HI — find death runs through like an obstacle course. Moments it brings on — stun and shock into an awareness that hears and…

  • Discussing Density

    Camus mentions density Ran across in Camus a discussion that includes observations on density, on the notion of thoughts or a visual modality being dense. Density is a big thing for me. Some of us experience life as density, as befit with density. Camus assigns discovering visions of density – as part of seeing the…

  • Emile Cioran

    Presently reading, and starting to take some notes. The Trouble with Being Born Time was becoming unstuck from being. Carried away by irresistible desire to proclaim. Long to be free — desperately free. Forget to be born. When we have worn out the interest we once took in death…we fall back on birth, we turn…

  • Eye and Sea

    “…desperate over-egged metaphors and lunatic, pencil-snapping, last-ditch attempts at something, my God, anything – you  have learned to hold fast Stealing triggers something metamorphic — He said, describing the Creative Process. Surfaces like discovery sudden pile on treasure isle. Whats behind or under, what feelie wheelie reveals up from the muse -ic, and yet its a prick with a strange…

  • Happy (en)Trails w/ Fodder Shakespeare

    Phrase hunting with The William. A collection of phrases from the Shakespeare Lexicon. Am up to letter C reading it. A Complete Dictionary of All the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet, Vol 1 & 2. Alexander Schmidt, LL. D. (1902). Revised and enlarged by Georage Sarrazin. “Phrase hunting” got…

  • In re Cutty Sarcus: on the Dog Latin in Wittgensteins Tractucus

    Rereading the Tractucus Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Available from Gutenberg Archive. First time read Wittgensteins Tractatus I loved it. I tend to read philosophy as a part of language studies. I remember it as this strange wonderful wavefront on the magnificence of propositional logicalizing in a perfectly formal attitude (itemized like Euclid). Thought what a smashing exuberance…

  • Index for Nick Cave’s The Red Hand Files

    The Red Hand Files Home Page Latest on Top 292 What would you say is the most gratifying thing about being an artist/musician? I went to buy “Poems” by Frederick Seidel – there was a poem called “Nick Cave”. 291 When you reach midlife and are made to truly pause, frozen in horror by a…

  • Limpid and Luminous

    In Pronoun Shifters Working Title fiction am editing at moment — find myself stealing “permission” to pursue limpid (clear and bright) phrasing from Nick Cave — especially when trying to clarify the counterintuitive — where neutralizes absurd and remedies beauty — as find so often “subprocessed” in The Red Hand Files — Albiet my story…

  • Slavoj Žižek & Jela Krečič Modes of Abjection

    Ugly, Creepy, Disgusting, and Other Modes of Abjection by Jela Krečič & Slavoj Žižek — Ugly as an aesthetic category. Gradual abandonment Unity. Das negativschone, negatively beautiful — Sublime and the ridiculous, how one rubs up against other — Overwhelming ugly becomes monstrous, can no longer be sublated into sublime – Definitions of monstrous –…

  • SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK Love Without Mercy

    TheoryReader 1 Against the Digital Heresy In the Larry King debate between a rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Southern Baptist, broadcast in March 2000, both the rabbi and the priest expressed their hope that the unification of religions is feasible, since, irrespective of his or her official creed, a thoroughly good person can count…

  • Slavoj Žižek Ticklish Subject

    The Ticklish SubjectThe Absent Centre of Political Ontology by Slavoj Žižek Intro: A Spectre is Haunting Heideggerian proponent of the thought of Being who stresses the need to ‘traverse’ the horizon of modern subjectivity culminating in current ravaging nihilism. Inherent excess, inherent logic philosophers of subjectivity articulate certain excessive moment of ‘madness’ inherent to cogito. Abyss…

  • Stop Fighting It

    Once let be drawn — to what peers out from side! the run off generally runs for me into something of a looming wild eyed plunger-with-an-abyss, of horror and of love — which found both ludicrous and shocking. And once baited & hooked, dreams then screams — stupid teams to unravel where “collects” — strange…

  • The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of the World

    by Slavoj Žižek (Author), F.W.J. von Schelling (Author), Judith Norman (Translator) First published by University of Michigan in 1997. The Abyss of Freedom — Quotes are in Italic the crucial point of giving an account of the differentiation between Past and Present, of the emergence of the Word from the self-enclosed rotary motion of drives Schelling alone persisted in the “impossible”…

  • Works by Percy Shelley

    Standing up for myself, expressing gratitude and strength — all about eve creations. Yall in strange wonderful way give us ins and give us outs. Continuity is a kind of revolving grace — Doesn’t stand still, but moves around. Gave me back my past not merely as a transformational beauty thing, that over time became…

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