Category: clarice
Thinking through Subliterate
Re Novella working on: Subliterate Swoons and a Side of Dead Narrative Dynamic and the Plus Age Expressive Rhyming occasionally touches after particles with Joyce. But it is kept relatively to minimum. Rhyme is allowed in, as a generator. As a butting in of allegorical trajectories unraveling across the fourth wall. Confronts both phrase and…
Pal Mail and the Whizz (of Fizz)
11.3.21 Horror Bunneys Cant keep out horror bunnies — from la lang. But could also call out as hotels//castles /- last year at marienbad is from same crane as kafkas castle. Burroughs Naked Lunch iz a horror, and so is catcher in the rye. But of course NOT ONLY — Beauty under Burroughs wail naked…
Pie in Sky’s The Limb It
7.1.21 Planning! Using y’all. Every step of way. Giving in and calling the glow flakes — fakes for saken bakes. Gonna mock flock stock knock. found the baseline – is about chars flakes chars themselves have fakes. doubling the mold mod squad. like notes think of rhyme as change in notes. thats for the poem…
Gorgheggi-o (di uccello), Warbling
Run with the wind Thank you. Exemptions. Complaints. Santiago of the seas. Love is in the air. Excess must be stripped clean? Inventions trills reduced to their nill. Fecundity the great “puppeteer.” Jane the Plain says: Overgrowth is part of natures beauty and absurdity. Grabforit rabbit — Miss Fizz is resigned to being stuck with…
Sui Side Sill A Bus
10.16.21 Sulks mulcts widely for plow and slurr — and above it all keeps the fur mur cur tailed about the fleures de litters I hunter stand its absorption release wire pyre choir now as part of doing business Hodblessuthabku Answerable is what ? Showing up ? I meet — I do not just show…
Is It Hell?
1.6.20 V2 Something keeps on reaching out anyway. Reading signs — in the emptying sand, weaves shadows into meaning, and comes alive, at stunning visual distances. Lives for it, loves for it. Something irreparable keeps me there. Searching for surface of love. But what, what am I reaching for — what what?? For reach. Reach…
The Vampire’s Wife: Stuff
Suzy Cave’s The Vampire’s Wife. Am indebted to her approach to beauty that plumbs artistic and dramatic strains across the universe, however curious, transgressive, or both. Virginia Wolfe Virginia has been much on my mind lately. Experimental way approaches her paragraphs — My LuLu du Lac loves how she starts to slip into passages with…
Clarice Lispector
Agua Viva. Ex-lover to whom she must explain. And para after para gushes out after thresholds where language goes beyond the simple or complex, beyond deviousness, and even beyond reflection or admission, to something ailing for a form. Seeps as paint does blood through the grave and the mighty. Irresolvable with hidden beauty, nestling in…