Yesterday wad gonna finally sendy russell agan — had this winderful focus on sense of it fir an hour — then shirl hula hoopd and versé ( verser means to pour in fr) joyce jammed against ziz and dyna aka came out of shower togetgher and split a forkwidth my red meat — hi👋 know have prob wobbles with sep her rations its like riding a wavelength blurs “rational” measures of distance on timeline into points irrational — which are factoid many more — and extensions flame permeates bileaf in freedom steeples of madness (fissures and mobius aka love and death) hex posed inny on outy but tis marm that gave “chair” enuff to sit on — cause promotion of in itself curved the feather back toward jj — kind a cometing a circle hmm — nit to lv redd out mix hat all 4 therefrom pen sued — De lila de lish — #whimperwill #halfwayhouse #backonhorse #notimeouts #left
feel like have to set up habenue for writing itself to emerge — em rem saying to get char need word nerd isa bird to alight with “cups” — its how everyone does it — started rereading finally colette peignot in French heffta finning 501 — its working reasonably well she has what clarice is after but more filmy — wheras clarice is mmiracle mud not as nostalgia de la bou but both are bodies coming out of woodwork / they both admit its what heart up to
#breakthru on #enemything illusion is not the same as delusion. delusion is kisses from burroughs & beckett as charms, as there is flue wherefor from yonder context originally got from Dynamite (& Sweeney bird in tree) focused on symmetries. then alice became embarked on “absurd” in numbers — like ancient greeks & the immeasurable. math must be acknowledged as something else because it is. when connection to surface got blitzed focused “turned on” – “registers” themselves as enemies — killing off “spirit venture” absurd got stolen by “rituals of sacrificial tragic” embedded in religious tartism. Alice tried blow up 1 after another cracking thru to emptiness of “freedom” at points of gesture, then finds focus at “the bends” & starts running neck & neck w/ um toirtoise & hare everywhere, la lang bang explodes any possibility for totals, nothing totals, punked by skunkwrks w/ Lowell & grapple frantically with “frontier’ — mann eats joyce! but clarice “at other level” desperately vows loves it. Marm now serves to access “clarity” below surface (where bees thrive) -er something. one finds where exists because is a vehicle for sharing in way no other quite composts. frozen forces it. as would love take out for tin as had always managed that prior to alice. tho violet loves brinks. maybe gone forever. Or perhaps there are further turnative ways of “inking” about it havent found yet due to delusionary points of trauma and how love for “it” is so crammed in thick that at points of pleasure start running any direction, see what trips over it — part of me profoundly hates. But outside of that, cog knee sense “ferry fared” is base for it is cyclical is (riotously even) superb. Gives me method better anywhere prior tried. Which I did. But they didn’t “break out” hives lockets charms marm, whim tin tin, venging nerfs agin violence dotting between genet nietzsche batailled — which sum of us swoons thru body as sensation (like music). Some is guru some is for friendship in the “mystery” some is for vue do me thinks for to manage the “intensity. hm #aliceinwonderland
Teaching doing stuff like these next up comin into view — drawing helps me paint here thru eords as textures — not other way around — #girlypictures — drawing process — syv and clarice did also — clarify cr didnt sketch she used painter girl like mann -/ cd i let go nuff hold on nuff to man age the mix masters and make marm char pynch font hold on go inder — she is bunter for barnacle and winch — hi👋 dont know — see “here!!” “It”coming closer on eork — ohhh want to push farther want bitta buck and fork — say frou and froufrou — moments terror sooths too — opens up “backside” — porn is only one register — what 3-4 — can only do with you —- all the bucks say duck 🦆 — but goyles all shake head — nono its beauty being in love however eats itself to sleep — tender stupid sifting thru heavy larva — and nit bring eaten by it — but veing able to mmm afford it — violeys outside all ur doira smoking u wrapping the twisr in hand paci g but not angry or explosive (turned out to be alie hifi tho ) dyna is fine is girls on film and vukor — light in august suddenly laughter in the pahk — gawk hawk stawks realm hi 👋 odd eye sea her ypur help at line where music meets the wave 👋 — just jotting #milkfrommorningcow
Silence ring-sting hover e vokes h untcertainty — bumble s tumbles in, h ale iss bubles up fone — fan tango whoooz and the joy jetty is slippery — infernal colonial — ail bee it burns hole in skull at skin in fin itudes riot — but is really a sadness? in fectual fugitive honhestyburns into row row ridhi coocoo(hello) lust — wired up in wrings of deth (#girlsonfilm Beth) -/ camille penseur (de rodin) of nugitivity — back on rim bow bridge wanting to “make a diff film” -/ trans forms honeyeasiness hint to as sass sins who are goddesses that cut my throat (ohh and heart comes out) #scissorrsandstrings #beginningsof #something #girlsonfilm #camille #marm #teatok #paglia #ghostbusters #makesparklers
#marm sooohepful — gave me gift of gab — to swoon like — like in becketts letters — where he mischievously works thru “particles” — Dunk drunk bunny M for marvelust over la lang bang — shame shame shame, fool for love — cares less about pubbing than meeting in the parking lot — and the egayer wysteria beauty and batshi that accompagner — marcus loopius – vousvoyer love that word #camillepaglia #kathyacker #williamburroughs #jamesjoyce #williamshakespeare #hughkennar #marcelproust #samuelbeckett #virginiawoolf
Its #iffanyfilms #dustneversettle #marmfarm #joyceischoice With pa king add an r — park king -/ bee wannas tink bout bunny diifisill in new ways (like it pays) — marm has invaded the farm its a thru thing, it comes thru — it comes thru others whos “beauty” re freshes the presh — joyce knew this wally says bow wow how — flip clip slip pornadorn spamcomm ninety percent from russia — tie ups on a machine like a ventilator — hack stack and wack call them rim rhymes — threesies sixies — in book on rhetoric where lists: all diff ways achever the bountful — chains i love doing word chains
Cut piece from bo8 in half and finished in fiction complete with a light lift to materiality — books are in it as la lang bang marcel popups hi👋 call them — above are called math snakez – — i wann send it to russell —just ssk ig he k iw anyehere might submit called soft dpot in acedemm ish ho✌🏽brow — even tho its a gurkin off scene — uses cones yahhhhh but are open undetneath — not so withput ex chng the bless out blissing on the “dice” = nash counters then and end ip out in virge of purge dirging to — cal from lorwl is math guy — a streamer -/ chair and molt — the pessoa curves love you for that — the squittels ate out on cook cocka doo and genet shows up for you i wont stop it now ok pilo yah its the sky is drowning thing on me so cap out to catch it — omorrow is a lot /// after that home burrowing into work its festering with ig note thank love thank miss miss again — its mudercsings its klers eye batty and i know it too — stomach twists at it — monkey 🐒 and buddhas poison arrow — immunity — ““steam trunks” in movie adopted — technology la lang — so odd and deddy which hepps me situate it here as i do t know iz — lime swift and knoves little perps — or something and fir me that is big love. 🐝 loves it — working stound it is somethinh z consating grace room to rurn over grave more than lif itself but not really that was a lie i lovd as well real here as that sanctuary cam wrestle in with angels and wanda — frightening thst it swallowed me kills and vengy hitchrd to the cock ?? — luekla taljs anout it toohswaiian —fiction winfds around pilon — workabke extensions adopted lotta lang from vous all as synth — msjes auch differencr for the eanda wannas who flam with pam // i wd pub soft spot — its tight and gas wallscevpynch pane and churchy — but that forelock morelock -/ the other working on befor — is not bad either — using sn old tool on it — the i ams extant way back snarfed of one of u //
Ohhh his dying is in my body — knocking me back — so scared will take me too before can finish anything — pisses me off — bourroughs shows up and puts hand on my shoulder to absorb deaths shock — mystic dreams it is releasing deaths want of vengeance upon me — who thinks like that anymore — makes me laff
There is horror iini my work it travaels thru it –/ always has — but it is dreamy too hallucinagenic marbled and thickly — every once in while light finds it sings thru it — beauty breaks thru the garble — in flashes —

Foot made of carrot bunny goes up to snowman and eats nose —— editing is also about working around issues that are dualities burning with flowers they compose — rims bows — marcel moves in and i just listen now see what drawn out of hose — thats a relief — to “find” itself by searching for it —marm and all
i see pilons as support so i can edit even — they edit me // kfyuuu dyuu see — sherry lovesit — gulls sink the first think “dry land” — is thirsty — help me see what am looking at — editing previous piece on cal about jetking off sort of — now split into two -/ not rewriting editing -/ char let loose as emouvant embroiders with fins mackeral lines -/ sylls have a qwal of mud — yet there can be found sweetnes in beweens where boarders hailucy nation — why then of love as a fungus always fall on my sponge — acceptance death of a loved one is grueling honestly — it must be done
Buoys — in sea of hunger sorrow and what taint and smelled of madness — caught like feet in tar —mind staggered at time falling through to “emptiness” without bottom — had to create a kind of structure for it -/ not beckett not fishface kisses to head of migrating dead but but but here — among us — could would possibly get around “sharp corners” “come thru to” — as a kind of clearing — the knife has always been an “easy lay” — in plume hates vitals burning with shock and dis may affray — stuffing down another dick shin narry free the cube but comes up cornered and endless love -/ again brother was warrior too — 7 and fighting over his weaknesses and mine asleep in scitland — yesterday imploded with the unforgotten -/ mourning vis sis i tude rage against time head a walking wound polly reading wharton for brothers eul ? — home nxt week — sherry thinks of vousvoyer protection its instinctive i am a polly anna panda Holding horses yell out horses love shade — without it i am impossible — need every thing its imposdpble what ?? death smiles — mars fars bars scars puddling i yhink pyscalls call it — my head is shrinking — something loves it — languor of fear umyum vampires issue is screw with tendrils turning stop ho back go lizzy busy Fizzy fixed on thro flo to narrow at pulling head up i couldnt my switches snapping tripping napping — nothing real anymore sticks to it — its oceanic and thats what should horn in on scratch face see me as forgotten face breath out — little knives but smaller now strange absurd how dwarfs against sun wind like safty pins i know yet with humor init it sublimes the flame into listening this without not laughing i hold dear to leashes — pecher has from the french three distinct meanings — sin, peach snd fishing
Working thru rot divide or unmodify — quiet here as mouse house with faust. Today — peace and gud tidings — mine only true one absolute weather support the work to find its own destiny in la langue — was strange to be fat way — body wanted diff life — sylvie s on dreaming into being — so many every boxtop —the imago far as can go bangs on about — low as can hoe — curiosity hingry and terror and timid — blotchy buggy soggy tiered — then reach out seemingly umbillically to other worders birders — and bounders to absorb mirror cul and meth thud and exchange rats and ratios and rations fah who boo knew ❤️❤️ — those who permet me become be livd on art part cart liberal — theres a one track hack evil button in la langue — find alone is “very” disarming — so guess seek the other to make wayway thru — not wanting to disrupt as bends my curve to breaking points which blow mouse house down -/ but black hole mmm engine too -/ new story finding chloe — let it sneek off into abso lutes ?? And others arrive to arg the vousdo back then dress in a n weave patterns glut slut means tooo seeking a grace — finding beauty and disaster and chuckles the misxmaker somebody — all but “resistance boxacrackers” want “share tea with v.”
es — Mmmmmy lyf small — but the work is getting “tight” yah — not doing any of this to burst at feet but jess stand up even say “ullo” — perhaps eod if can get loggers at factory to flesh it out fully — pea haps then wriding itself cud out go the shrimpy — all can do iszzz kip hoing -/ litter ex ists in black box of pie heavens no nothing assume everything — motto my grotto — SafeStreetsUSA
Na knot ankcore — but flow t twas 2 stay a flo te — naught pulled all wayway under again ana again — by waves of the sw eat hell o of m add ness — peace enuff in heart to “see” as a general way of perceiving purr suing ex changing litter n fill — tho still get caught in patterns of mis tea rious reasoning — on hole humor serves thru process of “finding” the serious — in laden and loaf, and peaches in trees —
Cud not have gotten pie to piece of peace on this without leaning towrs of pizza — mindbidysoul roll in the “hole” — looking fig out maintain mid grnd ( instead of yaknow burning man grnd zrro) endless love online works perfecta emmy pammy saus gd2go vousdo ruespew hippped make out a motionless meadured and absorbing caze para wick — now in the fic ?? Make up own version what fic is — ?? Hmm now is whispy moany inelegant — starting back on fiction — raise under surface to a dimension of what hmmm
Just did a fa$h sketch from agent s bern approved — tooooday way heavy dev/y hi end drawing class prep sat at 1 -/ also about finding line – focus pocus — that round 1000 pie hi happy fingers number sum in can with fannand pans collecting nuggera — the knocks the pix and the fizzies — to the slippery edges of wipperwood — i know its frig it fright height bite night reading a la rob the bin hood — tooooo also do fiction — something go back for ? // please says the beez blet bluzz earotic nuts and way the doodle noodle hoody poodle canoodle and nuts for guts — peepoe ddeafylocks pox and frisson and say hello for real as a V — edgr of gorest always waves and yells yo join her at the milk bar fizz wizz and hup comes the resistance — loopp fuck rrrrttt /- hu go not but -/ jack the riphuh pulling petals off poppy — oh hate city oh are wars between screamers // who cross dada pts with marcel -/ hate pushes back hate isa great pocus focus -/ yet/just anutter moon flitter with death — and make way gor day — which due too heavy river syvvy heloise in church — betty lost ton of cup cakes in garbage of golden ruins — is a bird born wasteland happiness deformrd — still living faithfully on hump over at circuitous dump -/ collecting presh tin — hmm – to take from proncess to dimples on the dump in 666.
abandoned to balance // new thing !! As shocking contempt desire to burn baby burn (the camille) — turns back to skin reality girls skin n some of caves stuff/it vs love — sudden openness to gentleness under neath doubling in — now think about it — addressing gruesome and beauty — acute awareness fold finds punter (compliment — double for trouble) where surges hard against soft (in led belly bottom draw er)— My barn acle sill fill hem with emmm — writing itself being inside a closeness of loop — when focus consumes carni and vortex in can —- sozzles on the nozzles (as jingles from joker under cut with car toon mis makinghmmm ) — tho to and fro the blood of beauty is jesus defiant — if that makes any sense the moment expels into the visionary with descents into ascendance — Yes am stuffed thank yall for the love of it -/ #nickcavelovesongs #nickcave #shanemacgowan #slavojzizek
Beauty and gruesome — the way ugliness as a shock as willingness to crash against waves of contempt that circled real and religiously —- body of my dreams — umm much like the litter — a closed loop — kafkiiibibi and the buckett I think had thingy bingeys about closed loop cycles ? — feminity too soo condemned as an existence when small — tried to cut it out of me — blood dreams enveloped the sacrifice — except for one thing — clothes — da — horded the shocking and transgressive — who loved endlessly — like love of god, as scatter of bones — any bone could suddenly come back to life — but only existed inside my closed loop wasn’t allowed “out” and anything coming in was not real was enveloped by what was there not other way around — real didnt come into it till “the mad thingy bingey” where poets as vehicles to its extensions became a part of the thing itself drew me out to see it — the closed loop in a way defied reason but that wasnt that crucial at first, defining reason grew out of it, remember thinking about that clearly and at times angrily rejecting reason as absolute codifier — of course now have studied confronting edges of reason (dr. No) as per math -/ but consciousness crossing out of consciousness — loved crossing that “line” — savored rather as do the free writing, that line where image explodes into fetching reaches, as a thingy bingey — Discussions had that were without formable words /- just clumps of accumulating sense data or something, again kind of like free writing doubling in and out — the miracle mumbles mm — still have them edges of sleep all the time //// free 2b u and me #myhappywheels — clumsy = mereology — parts against the whole hmmm — poetry goes there under line otto earotically because the erotic is entry into thinking outside of time, transgressing strict figures of obligation up against horror and a perfusion of sacrifice beauty in a dream freed itself from struggles with conformity tho trained seals of virtues sin into skin preempted and killed that lie again and again — erotic cascades into its exponential time travel criss crossing time periods as a sumptuous vanishing into splendors that loop with death —
Sheherazade to the gallows glowing sadness — with a fiddle — naughty parker in pit of fear dances a sad billiwing fall onto knife— heist of death from image elevates the indy— individual independence — still reading — will send perfume decided artwork penises with wings artschool style —/ hm which piece ? Writing is getting pretty decent as brave fend of the mobius morbid flush — and still love is endless —/ ohenry gift of the magi — gifts sacrifice seeming wasted but proof of love — Happy wheels annoying sister theories of love and death -/ get that cow out to louis past her — ❤️❤️ bataille calls them the 10000 cuts where the thief tied to stick like jaysus each villager gets to thrust a dagger thru and he is in a dying ecstasy !! ascending genet would say through clouds of glory -/ but the moi has learned to float vehicle attached yet detached — yes with my happy wheels ❤️❤️— know pisses yall off — however hard eye work — have not been able get sendy wendy to step up — there is nothing but the black box — and thats a closed loop and brings nothing to fold for yall beyond gruesome moily tethers — its vacuum sucks me in and sucks me out -/
Sherry baby !!! Writing on line — where it all started — sites a mess already — under notebooks free writing issues — let loose sheherazade -/ she and emmy are in garden on their backs under sun — talking to trees — have 2 more to read — teaching tonight gotta prep —
Dyu think overedit? Gonna start thinking about how much edit down sometimes think go too far —- ecstatics evil earliest retrievals cording to books venture comes frm not eating from hunger iz a buzz builder — same with sleep deprivations — used to “honor” them -/ the depri buzz — never met anyone talk to bout them except in books — buzzbilders comes from trading seals that makes no known sense — stall falls deps?? Fall always hell — sys on other side why fall thing — do as pop off of camus lou — man i wd like to do that — do a dunk off saved notes and steam in baudell”air edge of cliff with rock and bring in the resistors as beauty rocking with evil — ? Evil as not real (greeks about infinity being without limit — > ugly, existentialism without presence —> ugly— hmm church medieval made pretty? ) — as its worried over in math too — edges of real and not real and me always well yall seen me shaking apart — the being there thing -/ as some kind of quantity of some kind of license not to stop — here cahnt make tru Lynn stop loving it — for writing !! wd it help me est balance iz always the wonder everyone seems to say yes and no — its just time not a nutshell of the infinite skiptomuddarlimgs breathless — changing phone muse — #afternoonmuses shd go to #met talk to the animals.
Lou vit — cart hewrt and sol — brings back from ocean of “dead” every time — enough to #letlovein via poetuguese — sir face simmmms sum im poss able crim or oppo zit nxt breathless — phun beee cms 💥 — flora boara brings sin spin pin in to this as way weigh of -/ awl hour boards — papples and poranges! lang land fills light bright as woods and brill as nill shill hill — however knife and fyirk ohhh sighs emm the femmm joiussss ? better much better than dead! — alleyeaskis cmmasyam due to marcel pip and sam — trps and falls crazy and lazy dealirious hill air ious also violet loves quiet at home — all hands in sand — sooo what?? Pld sowhat ?? What — margarets rules can re lax etc?!? Mocksense? rules not jussss me — huh pears rules each beach at reach in own furr iocity baileys laws — and hear tin is pull up to rim with hen tonage bims (and boa)— me think something mencken said the treasure (pledgure) living outside the law — not lawless eggsactly— or w/o precious barn acles — strange how letsin #letslovein dissdatdot e.e.
range red and yellow. Head heavy with reckoning, all the same. And everything changed to some extent. Or not i have no idea. Ordered own copy in nom mable so can highlight phrases. Up in bed -/ nexties — sometime pander meander — read fitzgerald again ? why — for the mrs — for some crazy margaret reason am locked out of being a mrs — reactionary youthful abrasions miraculous fondling of dddd the d word. chippis and choppies lately gangstah moulin moil rouge — have some print repeats to finish today — beautiful as is also because Anne says secret stash — drops ad vent of la lang snow in pipi prd possession — of itself — the discussion for work of poetry — adding this cutting that blah is part of its contingency for “goop” — all plus loop coop 🍜 — and has what ? anne what — sides and edges — even tho no bottom hmm still kind of bottomless —
Its very calm here — feels like been thru a slicer but its quiet so quiet there is no #language. Ears are lost in a revery cant quite hear. Some of it is brushed dull — bristled brushed into smoothers — no dishes or gates crashing — there is something in poem am after that is about the #betweens — and it was ex quiz it — calm of aquaintance — as in silence but not retreat or contempt or longing without end — the thankful relief of a strange shared pain (pain like coming endlessly ) — Then strolls in #tatania wanna onion doll in red and yellow and black — but she is just knitting her legs silently. Havent added yet just now thinking about — suddenly its a fireside at cottage industry — book club. Naw slub #indie pendant. Wanna resubmit #perfume —- like #undergroundwriterscircle even if part of arent #metoo have aspects verge toward simplicity/mainlining — not unless properly somehow. Anne Sexton — the tributary of attribution is a war:ming mess. Waiting as usual for new rinse to rise du laq — uzing vous to pub work ? -/ yes l bn up front a bout that — as itself -/ involves the fascination to exist — radically kind of — tote em is not about loosing independence or dominata may trix but more in range of kafka!? can call them all replacements. Or the wandering gypsies, the undead and the ghostly presence of time. All of it enters (says the twain) as a privilege — mtn magicking in lair of heady woe — is a religious hell away from home ?? Pour sleeping tatania or something — always weaves back to the other side of heaven. Playing with matches.
The writing is here because the eyes that let out the darkness veil here in mists of your dust. last smig hasty nasty was mugger bugger — great cutters mugs — ole smokey — but balm before it — priceless calm — topper so fine -/sometime dynamite x here in me cant handle its theft — or something — need all to reread and collate terms — its hard work — yet out of a necessity too — and some still lands over my head — has given me great fat on phrasing and measurements with cuts — which for me is golden eye — echos up the leafy fugues — yam currently embossed by it. Oh dickens disease burroughs chewies — hep make horror and screams my body devouring me into caches of for bidden chute — langue gives it something to make dart at do? colette winrowed out general details of escape nights through jerk off corner park as entry transit into outside vulgar human loud hungry ordinary — bruntness brash tacks all the colets — vincentina phantoms — perfectly legal says clarice — weave through chiselers heady and sweet — clarice would have loved it — yes i think so — anne too for sure — modern women writers who suss out their own turf — #wonderbred it really is the extensions — any direction — however chair and hat hopeless says pea body
in #nothing find #everything — in #everything find #everything -/ thats how math works — take a #space as in a nothing — but that can as projection take #anything into it — from a derived #set of #particulars — #extend lines from real to imaginary i in order to read one to other — calcul somehow trued correspondance measuring real against i — kind a works that way too with ghosteen (stolen from #nickcave = ingenuity of ghosts) my anne sexton ghosteen is calling “dealing” with extensions “the bottomless that has edges” — but more #dante meets #cervantes meets #lacan meets #lydialunch — 🙃 #onedayattheraces
Using math as cover : ) all things being equal. find aspects of math “hilarious” -/ dont know if anyone else does — and not w/o “love” just allowing for “adjacents” and “perimeters” — its all sweet 2 moi.
gonna take day off online design and hang with cutters — so far online is a very clean design really straight completely sane — gonna gather all essays and work on one everyday. Trytrytry. And have vote for title of book at bottom with my little pix —And everyday put one up with drawings. Thats all do it — Hv affin for birds. But today hanging with la lang bang. started second read the unnamable in french at night — finished rimbaud almost — thinking nooks have to be set up as taker offs so can place their lovely awfulness into the light — virginia says — sherwood andersons short stories on char with light horror fetwish pish ra— ??? never gonna work — dreaming perfume again — writing is vewy indulgent — without impulse to indulgence writing turns into a brick — yes cursed with joyce manure — i am a believer — #coocoohellobirds
Used to think of the incendiary popping out as atropos — a greek fate — aka the cutter. where spend many months realigning and “holding the fort” — then atropos pops in and with one snip cuts it —was so shocking when first started happening. And it still is.
No worries 🦨 works — trig and smig — hideouts are in the honey — its only with dyna that smig even shows up anymore !! And except for few moments of still astonishing sinful self sabotage — i fckn hate it — its very disorienting
leafing thru particular authors quotes — as their sensibility has come after me — throws open “traps” — la lang is trappers paradise ? — trappers are out to get skin something about speaks in body parts — nightmare all body parts and attachments — frign #anaisninfordays is getting on me to live up to — upto upto — last crunchies v for vivid got loot in boot hanging — cutters loot -/ can hear z turners in ear where la lang begins to wrap around issues right at their figs moments fill — despite bad couple of days here — still feel relatively sea cured the wild sorrows and sacri feces
water color cartoon vous doo lou 2 -/ figured out basics of pg build — decisions vs visions — using their widgets for master only — then use reg blocks on posts (as wp will be switching to full site editing soon) — sets up for seo but fah — Margaret wont do seo — oolala — got basic worked out— may not take as long ??? Hmm another book poems called nothing and more. Morning consult with beauty and beans keeps the flame to registration of dream. Whose magicking the eye lets crow (pie and poe ho) with “win” tomorrow —
cartoons — Argy bargy zuzzlebee is a huge beautiful sizz/l/er for me 🧤❤️🙏😱 he is on every aspect collector aspects diamond dog — aspect category old in cath o lick descriptions — mmm aspects and accidents? Some philo terms comes out of papal bulls relij ?? Cath pilisopher name begins with santa something?? Read everything nypl of his wayway back — discussion with anyone bout it back then— not as recall prob filtered up when I was drinking — that’s the night pudding and parkers 🍠🔎🐝🖤 joy alloys— so in keeping jeeping with whole thing that “coming out was afur for” turns out tru to grift grifts are truest of all to steal is to fall — fall is hyuge word for my cath — new char cath — politics for me is very local — went to a dem fancy dinner during college years another student brought me cause of his da — got a new dress no doubt. Bring in newness — newness and wearing new — a philo of fashion peas fun — new attire is an n joynment — with its occasion — wo joy margaret is chop fucking sui side — not seen as choice but as reckoning with no choice & my poverty when in 20s like murphy thought jobbing inside corps everyday death — to get thru any aspect “clean” impossible ! — had to learn how stew with egg sheds and chefs to create understanding placement for screamers. What can ya do — but luv awe of vous
Joy does splits— pos and neg joy — neg joys being pushed off into alloys — new fig for pig — resetting everything gonna take weeks. Thinking have so many titles just play img changing book titles — for fun and eddy. Pg builder with widgets or make own blocks and widgets? Both adding css. Do both —- Pinky sinky is a drink lucifer lucid changes la lange to liquid — like a scifi pie. Its ridiculous. And knows this. Chugs marcel bit batty too but have no connections and botch all deliveries. Bad very. That string will come down soon. Think? Dont I owe what nxt ? — feel like cushion with mary shelly and we are talking motions and suckness. Monster frantic woes. idiot nation. Tha crash clash is purring with capt crunch its free to roam from home or something very attached to chars and bats who see thru slats — that linger in concert with the real — poor me —- fell into hell with bunnys wife — into tunnels of darkness -/ and alices bouncing rabbits off fcking walls — finnish oh how slip into extensions — as related to sympathetic projections — pop soda dynas screamers horror show battles with beauty over the undead in head. V for vent -/ Muttering Mortal portal — those latest pottery might giddyup couple more outa — shared scalpers dans le laq — looking for things other than clear off shine :/ from crime — the spar kinda tar far and car as landings on waves and wild world plussage — Bkdrs floating around as heads to bev up with beauty and dissy and not quiet — but what?? stay anyway any way? come as raspberry beret — pasty the sweet screams tried that already and u fuckng fell apart — oh yeah right — too much mustard in the library — with candle and dynamite 🧨 10000 dead pie puke inyr eye fly sigh die meeomy -/ but thats not what asis is now (thank u!!) — its been pitched over to becketts infinity in nut shell as char par car — as point of fiction — something nc really helped switch on for me ❤️🖍🍖 or as say in clockwork now available at milkbar??— hmmm and then if she say vous made all the diff — gets me in trbl — the scalpings are “pitch” 😊 — that said nd redo frgn site Now Working On
I am an ally all my freinds in blm know it — but its their necks and i have been told by them to respect ✊ it as well as figure out my own fit in all that — all in poli circ that know me know this. Handle it elsewhere. Is active is an activist. Communism vs capitalism. Think usa capit sucks for 50 percent of country —- lotta poverty here, wall street rules sup crt and repub party — make away like bandits and $$$ off a prison pop is a horror — whole set up sucks — that said — terms political completely comprised by local terms — not well read or creative there /- dont believe in absolutes as anything but joy alloy — composites -/ bit of this for that and then the other thing — which is gummy social dem —progressive snowflake lib — teacher — want to brk up police unions IF kkk and no longer effective community -/ everywhere repeatism sucks prisons make it worse — all about money too — old as gone with the wind // gerrymandering and jimcrow laws we are back at discussion civ war states breakdown voting and freedom // with new kids on block “post” pandemic movement – family taking part in // some of old cracker baggers from holler here walk round sporting mag and threatening rebellion take charge local streets — mother mary wants to put stop to police carnage — / no reason except race or relig or die mofo up in flame with batman -/ we are the world — migrant pops circle thru -/ some of us find open to breath loves the multiply — here and now needs a new set up to adjust to it and if not so quit policeman — but being white dont have same relationship #police — used to hang with back in day at jimmys — shem shirl lock wd show up with sniffy ask vital descriptions bodies get brought in material height drainage — couple conversations got frgn lovely — sparky (on grease… ) drew from nectar of lamp — one not based on collars and prison numbers. Etc
Its a wonderful life if you can find it. Nick Cave
Distance creates camouflage. And love creates beauty duty jealousy treachery u name it. Still there is a hunger art allows — submits itself too. Seems to have a discussion with — as self and beyond self — about what it is and what it does and how/why — from #albertcamus to #nickcave. Even while doing it — which I find ardent in an equivalence that penetrates it — and is not aquaphobic is not loth at being liberal.
Happiness as a place of rebellion -/ existentialism where nothingness and performance are In dialogue?!? align a kind of suspension bearing face to every filter -/ and camus in full consequence of and response ability for charfully bearing rocks // pig peg for negs rock in scks — not to go all Grapefruit -/but szizzers cant 👋 eye cark a lark and cutty sark for arc -/ nothing ness and deathums beckettd — oh bracktd -/ participating in chair treasure ! Sam Mule seemingly psses off to me — working thru sa langue /did row // as a fun de mentaller — bow to fill — for throwing “the die elective” into bitters with soda and bone — simmerhow thru jj feel for philo is potty — philo fermoy has a theatrical rhetorical beaver lever weaver — with p lists — whereas moi (and sometimes chair lui) — springs the things via The Vivaldi Code — the impact for emily is a sympa knee —
Study craft a lot alot — z attribs munde melding retro active precursor ing with kafkas ways and means —
techniques astral porjections by Crookall.
what lies on in behind image // listening for it allowing it in \\ very dangerous at crossroads — must be in for long haul -/ solves nothing — i found — but in pursuit knowledge as reckonings with structure of ideas -/ incroyable
You will learn at your own expense that in the long journey of life you will encounter many masks and few faces”
Luigi Pirandello, from the novel One, no one, and a hundred thousand
Free rider writer, first 3 pages look wonderful — penguin publishes her and new directions. #steviesmith #theredhandfiles
Must find discipline —.focus I have — start rewrite today — weave it b. Tons of stuff in that one — yet on some measure barely comprehensibl. Dig back thru where were you. P.S. drunk will always be looking for drink be cause. Cull it an inyerview. Started new thing called pynch on ordering. Back of mind moving forward thar she blows. Focus of Luv (for lit shit) broader now—- still at times itches and burns like beautiful fungus. Also dress a few mannequins haha — not trying to be like pyn just weave of be with punch at top of epingle — dipster logic — poppa up about owning nothing of your own in ticklish -/ the Dead Already section in ticklish — negs and limits section oooo — section out the haute —depths of bath in blud — le couers beauty inbred like horror and cutting off tongues— how many stories u know men got tongues cut off ZEro-/ but to get over dead heap ing with it —- rule of the mule — pulls my throat at rope of others — for their drag—conceived at Some Measure as a logical form of luv and — if brought me discipline — tuff too sad admits bad at it — triggers laps with feathers and heaters as contractive of scope — barely man edge with out hep -/ and so on it goes — v for vie

piss art is merging in mind — with thing called — writing-not-writing — PA got way back from sm working the pastiche — writingNotWriting swear said somewhere pessoa and beckett. Though not sure PA will be title in end of whole book -/ maybe for first chapter only — find its pirate and do a whaler on it. Good to be at peace with my damned Pig of the royal moil and boil ie The Negs. Perhaps use subliterate swoons with side of dead — for title? Or perhaps that’s subtitle for Body of hate surface of luv — Thinking thru. Living the dream. In compliance with reality — poetry lives in the allowances — where present tense catches the light/lightning. Yet weaves thru figs and chars. Etc. ✌🏽🧤🍊 #shanemacgowan #nickcave #slavojzizeck #pattismith #claricelispector #sambeckett #fernandopessoa #poguemahone love picture tho — dont know where i got it — played with overlays on top of it
ho jo idiot – doing another doskey the udiot but new char saycrud and still working thru sling of cling. Shd b there now not here — writing whats my line gives greater distance — here goes in for closeness — Virginia says no bring in frm rain — k says everyone has their own fkng rain — clarice says u must try its the only way out for sun one like tous — beck says au fur et a measure. Everyone agrees. Violet says hood luck with that. Rimbaud shows up — says lets condense new paras leave bigger image jumps whats up with that — then says fuck it move on. He did the vanishing — !’nnn’?? Beck yells get back to work — the rim ram rock. Muses fierce reckoning — justapisser make honest women of you — girls all crack up 😂 tears arrive, hiding corner arms around knees -/ combo prudence, nash and yoko 3 headed yeast — meets up penman on sb bridge. Face is time — thats all. Drinks!!!! Salubrious priests. Trove grove pun fun sun burns night light into divisions of remember that word. Shakes says — right up to edge — where la langue buffets time with madness. Pricks kick it kick it in — to battle with #dianaswoods — throws board at beauty — suddenly cant take it any more — then giggles with celia unmercilessly — Unties tippedover murphy who with scribe celestial plots — and hunts it as death as its own — #marcel says — its a compass — beauty slams into real — floating toxic whats under the boot — Ezra starts a poetic rebellion — clowns erupt with off color physical humor — medieval walls secure against sicko phants canna peas — strip poker with EzraTolkienPynchonColette.
Oddly melting the collapsible is tyrannizing with douch contempt run to kirkehuaatd singing the foo la looo — mitty is its vomitous cometous. Feels dense head hard empty density exploding with hostile erection sweet loath verse smelting chomp lumps — the woo fly — pump and swamp. Baudelaire just said exactly. wanda panda my pixie nixie — bottles of dump the dummy the puppet car as go bot warp for leather — tanks for tether – by lilu by -/ #mybluegrotto thirsty terse for sweet truculent wax for my moot hungry bees. farce comes for forcing freedom to lady out of lake the #sublimedonuthole to act — attack attack alack slack hack track back — throw paint at walliez — thirsty wanda wipe the pipe always nightmare melon balls fish and sticks — swim whim limb save the balloon. Dave the balloon. Itching to snipe photo and mix up pix for bunny donnys new cccc tv. Funny honey bunny in a bin. Its all swoon. Hang on bang on swang on. Picture of hurl. Gonna hurl. #poembottom is closer but needs another twist — can see beyond it — know its ugliness clamps against heat the sortie warped by sorrow #clumpsofglue hatred clumps covering head with horror and love a waste case a pisser piss art lurch for meaning and hand me some hand some burning log flog slog hot hotel hoarder rug dug bug of rectile feces -/ excrementals are a hoot. Loot moot soot becketts burdens.and flung slung tug leap — lamping lampshades its fire and cotton collecting under virgils armpits —murph fills paras a mysterious litany of sky lash of prophecy dash and destruction -/ blow up the pipes. Lassssa night swooned mercilessly on feast of car knocks. is murph sordid mmmmm no — no — its rummy grumbly quips of merciless splendor — my dlrty is stanch and restless beyond words. Have fallen into habit of trying start to finish. Talking perfection poem nonsense with scratch and bleed emily. Am i sordid — yes. But swoon with hellish delight struck stupid by the light. Everything i do is for the work — thats one of becketts muses screaming at me. #perfumeaddict #lacanianink #fromstreetswithlove #pissartistsfix
Joy thanks and jokes -/ the writing itself manages to be honest and yet doesnt impugn up heave”l the evil on any one ☝🏼 source(rer)-/ at all — turns out bees very careful in that way — mur allure — sunday at the mines — wirking thru ticklish online — mostly quotes some notes — stole lui and moi from diderot! So lovely — brginning to use for notes on reading. 🧥🧤🕶🌂🥾👻💤😊🥃🧂 desperate to change artwork online feels out of date — to show up like with Victor and yet be there in pt for pres tense— thats all. Can nut count on me for anything more — pt is all am after. Its a test blinking loudly on wall as rover goes over slips wishing well gold fish into the n word no non ne — i always lie about it everywhere else — westies gave me a place to ditch the lies and dig — means more to me : than just about anything — to hear the truth yearning to come out on both sides — was glaring and cruel and unrestricted and yet stolen too as these things are — truth is stolen from shadows lurking the real — for shields — am taking stock. Every one of my craquelure is interesting from a language poetic kinetic perspective and occasionally knocks it, knocks right into It — verse however is not as rim riding or something as narrative — Which worked hard to loosen screws in frankensteins hold head in place neck brace —
Yesterday wrote poem called Head on Bowl // who thinks of writing somewhere between shaving and bulimic — peice called 4th gender ok — both top and bot methinking pubbable — which pieces to send out thats the sock — by eow very possible — today middle #sunilstyles proj / 4 meet up tomorrow — am trying 2bee like that here for this — need to find fig communication thats a drinkers place between bowl and spoon. Its the thirst for it that gets it. Something resists till Abigail has worked through to end of swim cycle? comments really helpful. Curl up and dye — love that — the scheme to leap into swim at 2 for hair weave is a preteressential so might as well use it or lose it. Bad very bad. Writing is gloomy dark forbidding yet pulls toward mann pynch and all the colettes. Who love just as plus much. Its not all about any one thing — that said the singularity got stuffed stuffing itself —shots unt the dark — peaches discovered the wild west then fell the fuck apart. too many hats 🧢 #josefinaayerza #emilydickinsonmuseum #nickcave #slavojzizek #theredhandfiles #dustyhope #claricelispector
No matter how turns body it still itches — writing eye spies for ? cake up of blood in ratios of morose to distilled — beauty bubbles up right underneath it — fill of wasted breadth — always astonished taste for that kind of freedom — burning up on a frozen stretch// writer now calls “my mystery habitat”
Its from fiction that have been developing a modality for essay —- and in essay — often pops out figures and chars — that is to say — for the fiction — thats where confusion comes in. Chars are just beginning to separate — not in alignment yet — 5 milking so far and fascination for it as pronoun toppling is fiercely loose and provokes a kind of bell-fry of collision collusion — gears and skins violetly recombinating — a grove graven slave to the grift — used to kill me — now appears over mountain pass as openings — grave rave oceanic messianic dryad raiding ravages (alas, also bunnies freed by poes lethal cabbages) for very thick and throat of it — So it goes.
2 things happening — first grope “death as“ was onto something — second found it made it better. Third smoothed beyond what was there — found something else. fourth version came in another aspect completely — The thing is — except for lines here and there — first essays are actually quite good — Fact is got two things going on — one at bottom first person — and one at top now a real fictional third — both with figs of speech fully immersed into both pathos and rhyme — and logos — Wanna send 2 of the literary ESSAYS to perfume — because they do — raven after — do crow — do eat up, raid others lit and bottled — for its perfume — Going with the flow —
Did it again got to something could send and it was better even than last sent — but then blew it up — hmmm — black hole beneath it opens playing pancake with sylvia and going in on something with her keening eye a balance between sides of the visionary and have needling insurrection to stay true to “core” -/
#bewaresuddendeath — shimmering hungry mix of mystic and contempt — happy days mudhole — with #bluebellesublime.
Poetic indulgences / with underground man. Creating a pattern to address repetitions — gleaning “shop” whispers re horror, ludicrousness, hysteria — auditors show up — admissions bring in new filters — pulls chars out to surface.
Chapters rising — in sub-cycles — experimental yet pulls thru with repetition — occurs to me as method not unfamiliar to readers of serious postmod fiction. Research continues as well unabated. Habits are good for rabbits.

Strange beautiful and lovely 😊 is always afoot because of time and distance — and working out figuratives -/ and sharing what -/ expands to circumference — of others “spirit” lending hand — is a religious concept called plenum. What plenum later adopted in science as space completely filled/overfilled/measurement of pressure. Math is like taking a bath because la langue connects back to it at various points of — discovery — and Beauty believes that discovery is part Plan It Newfound Land of the Joy — ❤️🔌 New Char thanks to latest rhf = Lady M for Madness — 😋••• bad very bad. Effective Chars tend to their fire places -/ work in true measure appears can evolve spontaneously from there. Up to chap 3 with outline for following 5. 🤏🏽 all workable. Becketts repertoire of repetitions along with mounds of other research etc provides underground man with tons of lob -/ and gob — and agatha — is a major char — for keeping chars in cars etc dials theme attics/addiction into space/movement/taste (for muder) thank wank lucky 🐝🛴🧤🌂 more pricks than kicks — lady m! — ❤️🍑
Starting to gel. Some parts overworked some not worked enough but — bringing in descriptions, explaining vocabulary, Chars are starting to expand into Sets— paragraphs digging thru language for composite of “depths.” Etc
Horizon and Climax. Bit chaotic and bluntly repetitious — seems to be simplifying, layering in, decidedly chipping away at lovely pernicious mutiny of illusions — but what I really like about it — is that it is in pursuit rhetorically of “spaces” in logic as between bbb and clarice. And with concepts from z slipping in and out of la langue — everyone else too as work thru it carefully — and doing it just as a consequence of being here. Joining in.
Climax and The Horizon piece kinda exploded this morning with new ending — opened up specifically to camus and Z and TVW and jj and bbb— bit messy still but — much more fun with a gun.
Living (loving and giving —) at fountain level — admittedly in search of beauty. Even bbb admits it. However fountain du lac, mystifying or circular the intensity it creates. Living is loving — and giving something of yourself — to go for it. Thats all—thats the meaning of my being here.
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