Category: philosophy

  • Emil Cioran Notebooks: Years 1957 + 1958

    Emil Cioran Notebooks: Years 1957 + 1958

    Included below are translations from French to English for years 1957 and 1958. Also link to later years presently translating. In process of translating Emil Cioran’s journals from French to English. Original French is included underneath each entry. 1957 26 June 1957 Read a book about the fall of Constantinople, and I fell with the…

  • Emil Cioran Notebooks in English

    Emil Cioran Notebooks in English

    In process of translating Emil Cioran’s journals from French to English. Original French is included underneath each entry. In this post are entries for year I am presently translating. Every week I translate another entry. Listed below are links to latest entry translated and years already completed. Latest Entry Translated Links to Years: 1959 Year…

  • The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of the World

    The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of the World

    by Slavoj Žižek (Author), F.W.J. von Schelling (Author), Judith Norman (Translator) First published by University of Michigan in 1997. The Abyss of Freedom — Quotes are in Italic the crucial point of giving an account of the differentiation between Past and Present, of the emergence of the Word from the self-enclosed rotary motion of drives Schelling alone persisted in the “impossible”…

  • In re Cutty Sarcus: on the Dog Latin in Wittgensteins Tractucus

    In re Cutty Sarcus: on the Dog Latin in Wittgensteins Tractucus

    Rereading the Tractucus Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Available from Gutenberg Archive. First time read Wittgensteins Tractatus I loved it. I tend to read philosophy as a part of language studies. I remember it as this strange wonderful wavefront on the magnificence of propositional logicalizing in a perfectly formal attitude (itemized like Euclid). Thought what a smashing exuberance…

  • Emile Cioran

    Emile Cioran

    Presently reading, and starting to take some notes. The Trouble with Being Born Time was becoming unstuck from being. Carried away by irresistible desire to proclaim. Long to be free — desperately free. Forget to be born. When we have worn out the interest we once took in death…we fall back on birth, we turn…

  • SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK Love Without Mercy

    SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK Love Without Mercy

    TheoryReader 1 Against the Digital Heresy In the Larry King debate between a rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Southern Baptist, broadcast in March 2000, both the rabbi and the priest expressed their hope that the unification of religions is feasible, since, irrespective of his or her official creed, a thoroughly good person can count…

  • The Ticklish Subject

    Slavoj Žižek Ticklish Subject

    The Ticklish SubjectThe Absent Centre of Political Ontology by Slavoj Žižek Intro: A Spectre is Haunting Heideggerian proponent of the thought of Being who stresses the need to ‘traverse’ the horizon of modern subjectivity culminating in current ravaging nihilism. Inherent excess, inherent logic philosophers of subjectivity articulate certain excessive moment of ‘madness’ inherent to cogito. Abyss…

  • Hidden Prohibitions & the Pleasure Principle

    Hidden Prohibitions & the Pleasure Principle

    Josefina Ayerza with Slavoj Zizek from Flash Art on “The entire satisfaction, the jouissance is that you do not know and will never know who the other is… the entire satisfaction is in this purely symbolic exchange…” “In quantum physics for example you have the idea of possibility. If you take all the possible movements of an…

  • Discussing Density

    Discussing Density

    Camus mentions density Ran across in Camus a discussion that includes observations on density, on the notion of thoughts or a visual modality being dense. Density is a big thing for me. Some of us experience life as density, as befit with density. Camus assigns discovering visions of density – as part of seeing the…

  • Albert Camus Myth of Sisyphus

    Albert Camus Myth of Sisyphus

    Fundamental question of philosophy, to live or not. What is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying — To run the risk, a passion, allegiance, faith, zeal — to point of death becomes equiv to intensification: a passion of living. Willingness risk “everything” for it. Balance between evidence and lyricism,…

  • Modes of Abjection

    Slavoj Žižek & Jela Krečič Modes of Abjection

    Ugly, Creepy, Disgusting, and Other Modes of Abjection by Jela Krečič & Slavoj Žižek — Ugly as an aesthetic category. Gradual abandonment Unity. Das negativschone, negatively beautiful — Sublime and the ridiculous, how one rubs up against other — Overwhelming ugly becomes monstrous, can no longer be sublated into sublime – Definitions of monstrous –…

  • Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Literature but Were Afraid to Ask Zizek

    Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Literature but Were Afraid to Ask Zizek

    Russell Sbriglia’s introduction to Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Literature but Were Afraid to Ask Žižek offers a great explanation of Zizek’s work meanwhile discussing Lacan’s boss threesie: Symbolic, Real, Imaginary. I found it very elucidating! Russell’s chapter, Symptoms of Idealogy Critique offers up a voracious philosophical investigation into interpretive paradigms on symptomatic readings (cynicism…

  • Beckett with Lacan by Slavoj Zizek

    Beckett with Lacan by Slavoj Zizek

    Slavoj Zizek talking up Beckett & Lacan: “If there ever was a kenotic writer, the writer of the utter self-emptying of subjectivity, of its reduction to a minimal difference, it is Beckett. We touch the Lacanian Real when we subtract from a symbolic field all the wealth of its differences, reducing it to a minimum…

  • L’Experience Interieure

    L’Experience Interieure

    Read almost everything by GEORGES BATAILLE on beauty, sex & death. He wrote novels & philosophy. This is his master work. Holding French against English I have read it at least three times. I adore it. Sacred essentials of horror & beauty taken out to edges of ecstasy at depths of impossibility and endlessness. Fearless…