Category: indices

  • Belief in the Intervening?

    Belief in the Intervening?

    Boatmans call. First line of song into my arms. Dont believe in intervening god. Wish at times I was more easily intervened — cud lit tings go — or go at with free will — had to fight with old gods to free my brain — because they terrorize my skin — Ends me up…

  • Limpid and Luminous

    Limpid and Luminous

    In Pronoun Shifters Working Title fiction am editing at moment — find myself stealing “permission” to pursue limpid (clear and bright) phrasing from Nick Cave — especially when trying to clarify the counterintuitive — where neutralizes absurd and remedies beauty — as find so often “subprocessed” in The Red Hand Files — Albiet my story…

  • Stop Fighting It

    Stop Fighting It

    Once let be drawn — to what peers out from side! the run off generally runs for me into something of a looming wild eyed plunger-with-an-abyss, of horror and of love — which found both ludicrous and shocking. And once baited & hooked, dreams then screams — stupid teams to unravel where “collects” — strange…

  • Eye and Sea

    Eye and Sea

    “…desperate over-egged metaphors and lunatic, pencil-snapping, last-ditch attempts at something, my God, anything – you  have learned to hold fast Stealing triggers something metamorphic — He said, describing the Creative Process. Surfaces like discovery sudden pile on treasure isle. Whats behind or under, what feelie wheelie reveals up from the muse -ic, and yet its a prick with a strange…

  • Death and The Dreamer

    Death and The Dreamer

    Luminous quotes from 007 — “Dread grief trails bright phantoms … Are ideas [themselves] essentially… Stun… imaginations reawakening calamity. Their impossible and ghostly hands … draw us back … unimaginably changed.” HI — find death runs through like an obstacle course. Moments it brings on — stun and shock into an awareness that hears and…

  • Index for Nick Cave’s The Red Hand Files

    Index for Nick Cave’s The Red Hand Files

    The Red Hand Files Home Page Latest on Top 282 50 QUESTIONS No. 3 281 What is your favourite Belgian painting? What can we legitimately expect from a marriage? 280 I am finding your religious turn and proselytising difficult. How do you reconcile your faith with the church’s devastating history of sexism, homophobia, paedophilia etc. …

  • Happy (en)Trails w/ Fodder Shakespeare

    Happy (en)Trails w/ Fodder Shakespeare

    Phrase hunting with The William. A collection of phrases from the Shakespeare Lexicon. Am up to letter C reading it. A Complete Dictionary of All the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet, Vol 1 & 2. Alexander Schmidt, LL. D. (1902). Revised and enlarged by Georage Sarrazin. “Phrase hunting” got…