Category: media
I Look Up As I Walk
Let’s look up and walk上を向いて 歩こう Don’t let the tears fall涙が こぼれないように I remember a spring day, a lonely night思い出す春の日 一人ぽっちの夜 Let’s look up and walk上を向いて 歩こう Counting the blurred starsにじんだ 星をかぞえて I remember a summer day, a lonely night思い出す夏の日 一人ぽっちの夜 Happiness is above the clouds幸せは 雲の上に Happiness is up in the sky幸せは 空の上に Let’s…
Stupid Monkey
Silliness asserts itself, mucks it up??? and yet — a cleansing agent ??? How can it be both. Question of a Practical Nature/Issue am “seriously” looking into.
“one must imagine sisyphus happy”
Great feelings take with them their own universe, splendid or abject. Albert Camus, Myth of Sisyphus
Lucia Joyce
After setting fire to her room, Lucia Joyce was sent to Zurich to be psychoanalyzed by Jung. She became Jung’s patient in 1934. Jung said Lucia and her father were like two people heading to the bottom of a river, except that he was diving and she was falling. “I am grateful for your letters,”…
Der Pessimismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart : Translating Olga Plümachers influential Philosophy Book on Schopenhaur
Pessimism Past and Present Olga Plümacher (1839–1895) published a book entitled Der Pessimismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in 1884. It was an influential book: Nietzsche owned a copy (as did Sam Beckett), and there are clear cases where Nietzsche borrowed phraseology from Plümacher. Plümacher specifies philosophical pessimism as comprising two propositions: ‘The sum of displeasure outweighs the…
Sam Beckett is Beckett
Samuel Beckett: avant-garde dramatist, brooding Nobel Prize winner, and…gritty television detective! Beckett — a Quinn Martin Production
Sylvia Plath Reading Poems from Ariel
Found reference to Open Culture‘s reference to “Hear Sylvia Plath Read 18 Poems From Her Final Collection, Ariel, in 1962 Recording” at Warren Ellis Experience. Thank you friends of Warren. Thank you Tudor Ciurea for uploading. There is even a poem called Nick and the Candlestick. They are brave horrible beautiful and relentless. Reading from her…
Crock of Gold
Magnolia Pictures Presents CROCK OF GOLD A Few Rounds with Shane MacGown Starting December 5 …
The Little Birthday Book
Victorian birthday book + Room for Notes BASED ON quotations from Nick Cave for each day of the year. The Little Birthday Book Created and designed by Nick Cave Published by Cave ThingsSize: 10,2 x 12,5 cm (hardcover)Number of pages: 136Printed and bound in Denmark by Narayana Press Compiled by Rodrigo Perez Pereira Dispatching from…
Zizek + West (with Sbriglia)
THE FUTURE Russell Sbriglia (Assistant Professor of English at Seton Hall University) hosts a discussion with Cornel West and Slavoj Žižek on “The Future of the Left” —
Samuel Beckett Reads Watt
Watt will not abate one jot but of what of the coming to of the being at of the going from Knott’s habitat
The Vampire’s Wife: Stuff
Suzy Cave’s The Vampire’s Wife. Am indebted to her approach to beauty that plumbs artistic and dramatic strains across the universe, however curious, transgressive, or both. Virginia Wolfe Virginia has been much on my mind lately. Experimental way approaches her paragraphs — My LuLu du Lac loves how she starts to slip into passages with…
Les Fleurs Pensée sur l’Amour
Two books had super heavy influence on me very early on. Ezra Pounds translation of Remy du Gormant’s The Natural Philosophy of Love. A late 1800’s tract about sexual instincts in animals. And translated with succinctness and intensity by the great Ezra. Loved it. Also: The infamous In Praise of Folly. A satirical essay written…
Yaddo Dreaming
Truman and Harper at Yaddo. I dream of going to Yaddo. I dream of going to Yaddo for a month and writing there and conferring with Lowell in the gardens. And visiting S+L. Also visiting Beckett’s Library in Paris. With PA. It’s a thing.
Skunk Hour
I myself am hell; nobody’s here— only skunks, that search in the moonlight for a bite to eat…
Beckett with Lacan by Slavoj Zizek
Slavoj Zizek talking up Beckett & Lacan: “If there ever was a kenotic writer, the writer of the utter self-emptying of subjectivity, of its reduction to a minimal difference, it is Beckett. We touch the Lacanian Real when we subtract from a symbolic field all the wealth of its differences, reducing it to a minimum…
Anna Maria Maiolino
FAB A LOT has fallen in love with this piece by Anna Maria Maiolino from her In and Out series. Yarn that tumbles out of the mouth of desire, exacerbating after knots? of beauty folly death. So simple so true.
Dagda, comes from proto celtic word dago-s for “good”. A fertility monster with bottomless cauldron who spawned at least six and was known as a trickster – with a magic staff that could kill with one end / bring to life with the other. Daughter Brigid wears helmet with bird on head. Guards pagan shrine tending eternal…
Wad Squad
By Dusty Hope Dear hands down your pants. So the wind won’t blow it all away. In regards to horror and sin embraced in waves of haunting panic reaching for free and the wanting to be. The pie o my, dialed in upsurging with overtures pang gangs of angst. Wending a way way beastly balk…