Restless and roundabout
grew and flew and blew
the night for light light light.
Flakes and stacks. The making
of moves. Puns with radicality
storming at the surface
where suffocated the horizons,
screeching with tremors
seemed to threaten allowances
counting all the way up
from less to zero.
What never fades
with wait of days
the wide wide yawns
for the wanting.
Willing to fly
as if to wait is to die.
A limbo erupts
grave and gambling
with vicissitudes
pale pale blue
and voluptuous too
that yellow at dawn
blinding me softly.
Hidden resolves,
squeezed between walls
love taking sufferance for love
is not an untruth.
But intravehicular conduction ?
As pious is to seduction
as purity is to corruption.
And rimshots are to revelry.
My pious thanks for the bedevilry.
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