Fiery fury
reenters the hanging.
Unframe the unforgotten !
Fight for it fight
for it. Thickly and Gospel.
Truth or Fail.
Violets on wall the final call.
Penetrate evil
arouse the green gun.
Come Dover come…
Electric pretty
a prisoner of —
the all fall down.
Radians come come
turn about — about
zero degrees to the sun.
Where mulct parades
for the enemy enemy ?
Bright envy lopes frantic
send to an end
hurled huddled inside
tomb eye of Ra
begging for it begging for it.
To stop.
To cherish.
Pressed tense
hard ground, him.
Through lacquer and fire ?
Couplers without breaks ?
Removals float into traction.
Patiently sweat.
Scattered grows stock.
Must beam. The night, enters out.
Umbels, straight into it into it
hunt that suffers autoload,
praise the cartridges.
Angels on fluxuating palm
creates perimeter
to thicken and think ah
the missing link.
Colors of every pallid
tremor and horror.
No hurrying the indescribable.
Alternating null sets.
Walls of kinship (by intermarriage)
reflexions in ear
breaching the alterior.
Misery drapes, glows jets takes
shapes. Reckless sad
a violet frenzy
swirls of the purple, matter.
Redlines, rum running
dogs of summer
blameless hassassins,
fashion awaits…
Hard broken slingers.
Credits slip from fingers.
Parks by rainbow
rough fish cling fish soap fish, a lake.
Misdo and misdoom
altures of the pastiche — fall guy
on the make.
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