Something bountiful beautiful, angry hungry stunned beating back a petulance of demons rangy elixir collapsing into the night, predatory quizzical snares air touches rapture phantom and lair seeds a flood of antimatter. Eye to sweet sic sense, heightened up on ceiling caught red handed. Get down. Get down get down from there. Monkey lamb let loose, juiced - Holy cruces! doubles back takes measurements all thermal attenuations interhemispheric displacements earthward sense datum. Corners disbelief where trysts embalm throwing shadows after elephant fangs love and death a Vampire's breadth -- Patch over eye colors worm through skin hazards into repeat banking off felonious forms inborn porn sweet and sly also crabapple pie. All hope charges after beautiful lie cup short or end games its a slippery sky plunders loop bemused, batten down the cunt. Slopes of love on the hunt as blunders mount a brig of dunes generative quotients fill my ply freedom fawning pawning cussed peeps and all I sigh, and a want to weep, or dine with thieves ensnare a feast out beyond heroic extremes?
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