This is a fun read. My take his phrases, his phrases are FAB ULOT. Encourage anyone who loves lit phrase raise, to read.
Series of rhythms.
Description. Instruction. Exclamation. Oh my.
Onomatopoeia. Mix to taste.
Authority Intimacy Pace.
Little Voice. Moment by moment.
Big Voice. Overvoice French Movie. Victoriana: Put a porch in front. Of.
Snakes Skeleton//gs PoisonousDarts.
Dialogue as gesture. Gesture as dialogue.
In impasse “conversation” insert repetitive nonsense markers. JJs TIP. Before Image Jump. Create as code. Cut, like film.
Insert lists just like this.
Write from within the char. Bend language. Submerge the I. Create epiphany.
Great problems not clever solutions. Sex builds tension laughter cuts it.
Limiting elements.
Chekhovs directive, if put “gun” in drawer 1st act, must pull it out in final act.
A regular series of unlikely conjunctions. Recycle objects. Evasive dialogue increases tension. Never resolve a threat till you raise a larger one.
You don’t write to make friends — good writing is not about making the writer look good. Gradual discovery process.
Unresolved issues creates tension. Stories that spin into madness.
Anytime deny a possibility create it at the same time. Titanic: the ship is unsinkable.
Verbal gimmicks of narrator.
Cole Porter famous not for inventing catchy hooks — but overhearing them. Chuck calls “crowd seeding.”
Workshop. I found my workshop –what I call The Sandbox.
Most are dead. But a few actually are not. Annie Sexton round about says the same thing.
The sous-conversation, or subtext.
If you are going to be writer don’t be afraid to also be a bad artist. Bradbury painted, Capote did collages, Mailer Vonnegut Thurber drew. Burroughs blasted balloons with paint. COMPLEMENTS writing. I FIND THIS TOO.
Overserve your “community.” More than they can handle alone. Dickens, Twain.
Trick yourself into having a great time. Yeah. AHH but it wasn’t a trick. That was the trick.
Does props and surprises at his events, like Oprah, but much sicker.
He says get it all out on paper or one day — for who knows what reason — it could be GONE. I have multiple copies stored. Of instagram? Yeah cause its copied and its backed up. And stuff here. Yeah gets sent to me everyday. Everyday I get a new version data backup. Thats not backed up. No.
Reasons to love to write:
Flooding. Dangerous writing, Unresolved threatening aspects. Harnessing your monkey mind.
“you have to talk , otherwise your head turns into a cemetery.” Yeah. thats where I live. A lot.
Challenge, or frighten. Or both.
The thing after which everything is different. I can never forget. And always forgive.
Agency repping him, guy embezzled agency folded. So went his money. Ha.
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