Hears whistles, street long trains rains one day, again undeterred. The beam the screamers find if, any, were impeccable, to a valley and a side and a who to glue drew.
Old fears like dead gods lived cruelly underground twisting this way that way. High landers gushing flow and crow. The waters waiting in bleaksville by the door. Wanderers ponderers quanderrers. Finders leapers reepers heapers.
Dead end deepers…
Hello, who is this!!
Light. Follow the light…
Good-natured birch can supper the sour ball, and pick up a bat in grass garden — one in hand , the other in head. Devious are the lonesome…
Can exist without costing the “collector” anything?
Contrary is a fairy, and fairies are emissary. What a little bit of tenderness actually brings? Arent wings. But focus on craft?!
Feathers plucked, plucked off the tar, onebyone from slippers to desolations to ferriors to zog.
Good-natured hides concealed in horror while battling the croc o dial — and yet its greed, good nature has a greed — to believe, remains unswayed, naked as an angel.
Holes can run deep, split like tree branches tied to a “body” of very old landlord gods, way back beginning meticulous thought probs on the application of “singular truths” whose horror she rips.
Property is important. Branches are eggs. Brown is testerown and testament. Difficult to tame.
Joy as joy — and not death of the fire brigade is for the thirsty extraordinarily delicious. Whimsicality is important for giving some drydock to serioso listening at roofs, even where terror produces terrorists.
There is strangeness in it. A fluidic rummy. Writing is I know puffy and carcus starkus darkus.
Little bit of heaven is better than being out in the rose garden with malice for chalice and fishing with ear plugs, old bello ubers say in se there to give.
Astonishes works even so well as is. Pie-us addresses fragrances, helps measurement, helps blow out where riots, and especially where eats more than half, thats where its a robbery. Stairs to speak to heaven is old islamic law.
To know what hates violently, what provides arrogance, what smells stirs with goats, and birds, in trees. Sherry’s seas… stores it off. Protects the injury. Tells scary stories during sleepovers. Cuts through onions to tears, reads in the twilight. Coughs up darlings. Reveals elegance of it. Loves even as a consequence of it.
Friendly lighthouse is a rest from booty of the moody where argue with the refreshments.
To eat and be full. Grow chins. Hike along the back of mountain chains. Near kitchens, that praise the gardener.
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