poetry scroll 1

To No Thing and Every Thing

Fingers tingling 
at never endings
feeds a restless wonder
for plunder.  

Heave ho, 
quiet down
and draw

Scratchy puddling florals
the subversive immersive

I am drawing
I am drawing
everything is great
dates with fates.

Shocking to me. 
Can only do this way. 
Subversively ?
a hog in a bog

Gob sob
working away at it
like its string theory.

Rounds and rounds
calm down calm down

Wreak up against
rioting metaphor
as a freedom shining

That steals
from barbarity of horror.

A barrage of wild thing,
death masks
flirting with tomorrow.

However inconsolable
and irreconcilable

Underneath it all 
believes in its intrusion

As deeply as a theory
on its contortions
for delusion...

The all = not all
the is = not is
grows sub vitriolically as is.

Sunny hurlers
battling butterflies
and bombycids
living magically

The map the book,
jarring marplod thickness,
see it thru
see it thru -

Porridge of fear,
drenched in marvelous
and the absurd

As shine draws near
and nearer
to wonder at the wall.

And desponds
fondly and alert
with shadowy bonds

A law for a flaw.
Tick and toy
catch a tartar
chips ahoy,
a special envoi

For all my mystagogic


2 responses to “To No Thing and Every Thing”

  1. Lettie Adi

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Irvin Yricks

    some good points there.

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