poetry scroll 1

Nap tune with Neptune 🧤

To throw light 
upon the theft of night
seize sugar 
for holy water

peeing into hell
where will yam tell 
for the unknown 
ran ahead of

never far 
from blood in eye
with holy divisions.

Sirens skid away
from avalanche of time
sliding into temptations 
of fervor 
and contempt.

Verdigris violent eclipse 
of the moon,
where suicide speaks
at envenymous peaks
a heady florid 

Deeper blue lay 
in charcoal and ice,
carrying sweet perilous 
stenches of violet.

The chartless chart
the sea-enlightened 
encumbering part

the shell on back
of Uranus and Venus
whose genitals 
fertilized the sea.

Weight of grave,
the empty part,
what goads of rod 
what sails for freedom

woos my addled 
rattling out
to roam devout 
what ails beyond 
the threats of reason.

Languors ardors,
forks of passion
the darkness of shame

slay the mount
with Valentine's martyrs
the chattering insane.

To grapple a grid
call out 
call out 
for paddle at flame.

At tears of Ovid
devolve absolve
wankers anchors
saddle and psalm?
Pun and puzzle 
hike holes in muzzle 
sifty, and embalm.



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