Works by Percy Shelley

Standing up for myself, expressing gratitude and strength — all about eve creations.

Yall in strange wonderful way give us ins and give us outs. Continuity is a kind of revolving grace — Doesn’t stand still, but moves around.

Gave me back my past not merely as a transformational beauty thing, that over time became entrenched in a sea of curious delusion and trauma — But NOW, has been transformed again into: determination, discipline, commitment, and a new kind of self-possession. As it is. As it was. As I am. With a place in my heart for all who sod there.

Working up some new selfies: 

How the pirate preys on herself.

Making Peace vs. Keeping Peace

That what is “Magic Spread” of evil in the good. A discussion with Percy Shelley:

Short prose works[edit]

  • “The Assassins, A Fragment of a Romance” (1814)
  • “The Coliseum, A Fragment” (1817)
  • “The Elysian Fields: A Lucianic Fragment” (1818)
  • “Una Favola (A Fable)” (1819, originally in Italian)


* Zill: one of a pair of small metallic cymbals worn on the thumb and middle finger; used in belly dancing in rhythm with the dance

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  1. Good day!

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