Death and The Dreamer

Luminous quotes from 007

“Dread grief trails bright phantoms …

Are ideas [themselves] essentially…

Stun… imaginations reawakening calamity.

Their impossible and ghostly hands … draw us back … unimaginably changed.”

HI — find death runs through like an obstacle course. Moments it brings on — stun and shock into an awareness that hears and sees things that are and are not there (comes from philosophy — the there/not there). Feels more ancient than accident, a sudden sound of flapping birds, visionary bleeds thru in ruptures — where needs must grieve, for acceptance, realignment, mourn the slain.

Personally (and professionally) am again and again unimaginably changed by deaths that could not foresee nor escape. And yet right at edge of it lies an awareness that is pivotal — like the courage and heartbreak of love, despite all else —

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