The Will & The Wanderer/Sketches

An endless visionary parade of splendorizing romantic thresholds, of a pressing relentless susceptivity.

Everything that sank in, seemingly sank first through a latent overmuchness of desire – spectacularly agape for uplifts of sorrow.

This divine crime, this lucious murderer of time, stuck fast to speechless depths. Cloying, burning, turning forever in on itself.

Her sex perpetually ranging out beyond thresholds of light, tied and mystified to an irresolvable war.

A conspiracy of light hopeless and abandoned to the purity of love, unraveling in the labyrinths of her heart to latent wisps of tyranny, virtue, pandemonium, ritual murder, altruism, passion – and so on.

Furtive untellable shards of beauty – hungry, forsaken, ranting, indulgent, creatural, resilient, monstrously taboo –

Moreover to be purged and bathed in lurid swash sweeps of keenly ritualistic violence, defiance, degradations, enslavement –

And with each mute feast of the story eyed abandoner, the effervescing plague in LuLu’s heart grew more and more touched with incantations of meaning intercessive and coextensive with death.


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