Dear hands down your pants.
So the wind won’t blow it all away.
In regards to horror and sin
embraced in waves
of haunting panic
reaching for free
and the wanting to be.
The pie o my, dialed in
upsurging with overtures
pang gangs of angst.
Wending a way way
beastly balk delectation
laying waters to waste.
Plunging for runnels of love
sacred allures
staring eyes with evil
in battle for the shadowing
intubational wreck
everything open at aw heck neck.
Blame blame
sorrows deep
and put to sleep.
Cumulate histrionic habit
for rabbit that can dance
the flamingo macabre.
At sounds of a muddying
cry and nigh. Fills
the monster romantic
with incurrents coursing through.
Illure illure like an open casket
at devil’s peak
running down the wind.
Blue and thin.
Glory to performative abstraction.
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