Category: translating
Emil Cioran Notebooks, Presently Translating
Every Week New Entry Translated Latest Translated Entry 1957 26 June 1957 Read a book about the fall of Constantinople, and I fell with the city. Wantful to cry through middle of the streets. Too have the demon of tears. My skepticism is inseparable from vertigo, I never understood how one can doubt by way…
Der Pessimismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart : Translating Olga Plümachers famous Philosophy Book on Schopenhaur
Pessimism Past and Present Olga Plümacher (1839–1895) published a book entitled Der Pessimismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in 1884. It was an influential book: Nietzsche owned a copy (as did Sam Beckett), and there are clear cases where Nietzsche borrowed phraseology from Plümacher. Plümacher specifies philosophical pessimism as comprising two propositions: ‘The sum of displeasure outweighs the…
Translating History of a Girl
Laure is Pen Name for Colette Peignot See Dennis Cooper’s Blog for history of Colette Peignot and more Translations from her work: Dennis Cooper’s blog See here for Kathy Acker’s Diaries of Laure/Colette Peignot: 1983-Kathy-Acker-Diaries-of-Laure-Colette-Peignot Literal Translation: A young girl’s eyes pierce the night. checked. In a long white chemise, illuminating, a corner wrapped in…