Category: slavoj zizek

  • The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of the World

    The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of the World

    by Slavoj Žižek (Author), F.W.J. von Schelling (Author), Judith Norman (Translator) First published by University of Michigan in 1997. The Abyss of Freedom — Quotes are in Italic the crucial point of giving an account of the differentiation between Past and Present, of the emergence of the Word from the self-enclosed rotary motion of drives Schelling alone persisted in the “impossible”…

  • SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK Love Without Mercy

    SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK Love Without Mercy

    TheoryReader 1 Against the Digital Heresy In the Larry King debate between a rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Southern Baptist, broadcast in March 2000, both the rabbi and the priest expressed their hope that the unification of religions is feasible, since, irrespective of his or her official creed, a thoroughly good person can count…

  • The Ticklish Subject

    Slavoj Žižek Ticklish Subject

    The Ticklish SubjectThe Absent Centre of Political Ontology by Slavoj Žižek Intro: A Spectre is Haunting Heideggerian proponent of the thought of Being who stresses the need to ‘traverse’ the horizon of modern subjectivity culminating in current ravaging nihilism. Inherent excess, inherent logic philosophers of subjectivity articulate certain excessive moment of ‘madness’ inherent to cogito. Abyss…

  • Modes of Abjection

    Slavoj Žižek & Jela Krečič Modes of Abjection

    Ugly, Creepy, Disgusting, and Other Modes of Abjection by Jela Krečič & Slavoj Žižek — Ugly as an aesthetic category. Gradual abandonment Unity. Das negativschone, negatively beautiful — Sublime and the ridiculous, how one rubs up against other — Overwhelming ugly becomes monstrous, can no longer be sublated into sublime – Definitions of monstrous –…

  • Beckett with Lacan by Slavoj Zizek

    Beckett with Lacan by Slavoj Zizek

    Slavoj Zizek talking up Beckett & Lacan: “If there ever was a kenotic writer, the writer of the utter self-emptying of subjectivity, of its reduction to a minimal difference, it is Beckett. We touch the Lacanian Real when we subtract from a symbolic field all the wealth of its differences, reducing it to a minimum…